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Referencing table fields

asked on February 24, 2017 Show version history

I have a table.  In it I need to show the Rejected field (separate from table) if the status in the table is rejected. 

I would also like to reference the specific GL Code and Amount of the corresponding row of the rejected status to include in the text above the input box of newly visible Rejected field.

Can this be done?


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replied on March 1, 2017

On your coding chart table:
1. set the CSS class of the Table to: coding_chart_table
2. set the CSS class of the GL Code field to: codingGL
3. set the CSS class of the Amount field to: codingAmount
4. set the CSS class of the Status field to: codingStatus
5. make sure the Status field has an option called: Rejected

Add another table below your coding chart table:
1. set the CSS class of the Table to: rejected_items_table
2. add a single line field to the table with a label like Rejected Items
3. add some text to the "Text above field" setting on the Rejected Items field, I used "text goes here"
4. set the CSS class of the Rejected Items field to: rejectedField

It'll look something like this:


Add this as the CSS script for your form: 

/*hide the header from the rejected items table (tweak appearance)
hide the add and delete buttons from the rejected items table (the system will 
add and remove them to match with the coding chart table*/
.rejected_items_table .cf-section-header {display : none;}
.rejected_items_table .cf-table-add-row {display : none !important;}
.rejected_items_table .cf-table-delete {display : none !important;}


Add this as the Javascript for your form: 

$(document).ready(function () {
  //When the form loads, or changes are made to the coding table, 
  //run the function to update the rejected table values.
  $('.coding_chart_table').on('change', function () { 
  }); //end of $('.coding_chart_table').on('change', function () { 
  //when a row is added to the coding chart table, add a row to the 
  //rejected items table too
  $('.coding_chart_table').on('click', '.cf-table-add-row', function () { 
    $('.rejected_items_table .cf-table-add-row').trigger('click');
  }); //end of $('.coding_chart_table').on('click', '.cf-table-add-row', function () { 
  //when a row is deleted from the coding chart table, delete the 
  //matching row from the rejected items table too, archive this
  //by get index of the row being deleted, prior to the deletion
  //processing, and then deleting that same indexed row from
  //the other table.
  var deleteIndex = -5; 
  $('.coding_chart_table').on('focusin', '.cf-table-delete', function () { 
    deleteIndex = $(this).closest('tr').index(); 
  }); //end of $('.coding_chart_table').on('focusin', '.cf-table-delete', function () { 
  $('.coding_chart_table').on('click', '.cf-table-delete', function () { 
    var tableRowIndex = deleteIndex + 1; 
    $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').find('.cf-table-delete').trigger('click');
  }); //end of $('.coding_chart_table').on('click', '.cf-table-delete', function () { 
  //function that runs whenever the coding chart table is updated 
  //to ensure the rejected items table is updated to match
  function updateRejectedFields() { 
    $('.codingStatus select').each(function() { 
      var theRowIndex = $(this).closest('tr').index();
      var tableRowIndex = theRowIndex + 1; 
      if ($(this).val() == 'Rejected') { 
        var glValue = $(this).closest('tr').find('.codingGL input').val();
        var amountValue = $(this).closest('tr').find('.codingAmount input').val();
        var newText = 'Rejected Line Item: GL Code: ' + glValue + ', Amount: ' + amountValue + '. Please provide a reason.'; 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').show(); 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').find('.rejectedField label').text(newText);
      else { 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').hide(); 
      } //end of if...else... statement
    }); //end of $('.codingStatus select').each(function() { 
  } //end of function updateRejectedFields() { 
}); //end of $(document).ready(function () {


The completed form should look something like this:

1 0
replied on March 2, 2017

The basic function is working now, but I cannot seem to get the description correct in the text above the field.  I like the way you have completed the table above.

Also, is it possible to have rejected rows triggered by the actual status.  Right now the user would need to click "add" to make it (the rejected row) appear on the form, but if the rejected item was on the last row, it is likely they would not hit add before proceeding to the next field.  This means no reason would be requested.


By the way, I LOVE that you sent me the actual code.  I am new to coding and basically have no idea what I am doing!  Thanks.

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replied on March 2, 2017

Actually, I just double checked the entire procedure and found a mistake in my entry.  I had assigned a CSS class as you instructed, but I had transposed a couple of letters when I typed it.  The description is now working. 

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replied on March 2, 2017

That's great @████████!  Is it all working for you, or are there some parts you are still having difficulties with?


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replied on March 2, 2017

Excerpt from above:

Also, is it possible to have rejected rows triggered by the actual status.  Right now the user would need to click "add" to make it (the rejected row) appear on the form, but if the rejected item was on the last row, it is likely they would not hit add before proceeding to the next field.  This means no reason would be requested.


This would be on my wish list if it is possible.

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replied on March 2, 2017

What it's doing, is adding rows to the secondary table every time they are added to the first table, but then hiding them by default.  So if the first table has five rows, the second table has five rows too, but some of them may be hidden.  Whenever a row in the first table has its Status field changed to Rejected, the corresponding row in the second table is shown.

So when you change a field to Rejected, the associated rejected field should appear to "pop up".

Are you not seeing it functioning that way?

0 0
replied on March 2, 2017

I feel a problem will arise if the user does not click "Add".  If the user, navigates to the next field available for data entry (Total Coded Dollar Amount) using the mouse or tab, the rejected item table does not show.

Here is a snip of what I am seeing in the preview... I have clicked on the Total Coded Dollar Amount field with my mouse in this example. 

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replied on March 2, 2017

Weird - it should have popped up the rejected field as soon as the Status was changed to Rejected.

In your example, how was the status field changed to Rejected?  Did the user change that to Rejected, or was it populated by a lookup, or some other system process?

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replied on March 3, 2017

The user selects Approved or Rejected from a drop-down field.

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replied on March 3, 2017

Hmmm...  And the rejected field doesn't appear at the time you change the status to rejected, but it does appear after you've changed it to Rejected and then clicked add to add another row.  Is that right?

These are two different events being triggered.

The code that runs when you add the row starts on row 12 in the earlier posting - it looks like this:     $('.coding_chart_table').on('click', '.cf-table-add-row', function () {

The code that runs when you edit anything in the table (i.e. changing the status to rejected) starts on row 6 in the earlier posting - it looks like this:     $('.coding_chart_table').on('change', function () {

It almost sounds like the change code (the part starting on row 6) isn't running for some reason (which is weird, because it did for me).

Let's try this.  Add a line between rows 6 and 7 that says:     alert('testing');

It'll look like this: 

  $('.coding_chart_table').on('change', function () { 
  }); //end of $('.coding_chart_table').on('change', function () { 

Then every time you change any values in the coding chart table, it should do a little pop-up that says testing.  If that doesn't pop-up, then we know that the change event is not being called on the table for some reason.

I don't think this is it - but it is also possible that this could be due to different functionality in Forms, if you are on an older version that I am (I'm on 10.2).  So it would be good if you could check what version of Forms you are using.

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replied on March 3, 2017

If the 'testing' alert doesn't pop-up, you can also try this:

Change row 6 from this: 

$('.coding_chart_table').on('change', function () {

to this: 

$('.coding_chart_table').on('change', '.codingStatus select', function () { 

which will look specifically for changes to the status dropdown field instead of any changes to the coding chart table.

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replied on March 3, 2017

I've inserted the testing code.  It does appear when I make changes to the chart, but it comes up twice.  I'm not sure why.

In regards to the version, I am using currently using 10.1.  I was just about to upgrade after the conference, but the organization decided to hold off due to a hotfix that was in development.

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replied on March 3, 2017

Some of those events get called twice, I don't know why.  It just means it runs the code an extra time unnecessarily.  But unless your table gets tremendously large, the extra run shouldn't cause problems.

Since the alert pop-up is appearing, that does mean it is being triggered by the event, which it should be doing.  But then I'm uncertain why it is properly running the fields updates when you add a row, but not when you change one...

I can't imagine the 10.1 vs. 10.2 version is the issue.

Let's try this, to see if we can narrow it down.

Remove that code you inserted after row 6:     alert('testing');

We're going to put similar code down below, to see if we can narrow down where in the process it is getting hung up.

The code between rows 34 and 49 look like this: 

  function updateRejectedFields() { 
    $('.codingStatus select').each(function() { 
      var theRowIndex = $(this).closest('tr').index();
      var tableRowIndex = theRowIndex + 1; 
      if ($(this).val() == 'Rejected') { 
        var glValue = $(this).closest('tr').find('.codingGL input').val();
        var amountValue = $(this).closest('tr').find('.codingAmount input').val();
        var newText = 'Rejected Line Item: GL Code: ' + glValue + ', Amount: ' + amountValue + '. Please provide a reason.'; 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').show(); 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').find('.rejectedField label').text(newText);
      else { 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').hide(); 
      } //end of if...else... statement
    }); //end of $('.codingStatus select').each(function() { 
  } //end of function updateRejectedFields() { 

We're going to insert several alert statements (four of them to be exact) throughout that section, to see if we can pinpoint where it's failing.  Replace that entire section of code, with this: 

  function updateRejectedFields() { 
    alert('part 1');
    $('.codingStatus select').each(function() { 
      alert('part 2');
      var theRowIndex = $(this).closest('tr').index();
      var tableRowIndex = theRowIndex + 1; 
      if ($(this).val() == 'Rejected') { 
        alert('part 3');
        var glValue = $(this).closest('tr').find('.codingGL input').val();
        var amountValue = $(this).closest('tr').find('.codingAmount input').val();
        var newText = 'Rejected Line Item: GL Code: ' + glValue + ', Amount: ' + amountValue + '. Please provide a reason.'; 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').show(); 
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').find('.rejectedField label').text(newText);
      else { 
        alert('part 4');
        $('.rejected_items_table tbody tr:nth-child(' + tableRowIndex + ')').hide(); 
      } //end of if...else... statement
    }); //end of $('.codingStatus select').each(function() { 
  } //end of function updateRejectedFields() { 

When you first preview the form, you should get alerts for part 1, part 2, and part 4.

Then change the status field to Rejected.  You should get six alerts for part 1, part 2, part 3, and then repeat for part 1, part 2, part 3.  After you click Okay on the sixth alert, the rejected field should appear.

Can you give that a try, and let me know if you see all the alerts I indicated?

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replied on March 3, 2017

Done. I received the alerts in the following order...1,2,4 for the first step.  Oddly, the one didn't show up the repeat.

When I change it to rejected, I get 1,2,4,2,3 (1,2,4,2,3).  The brackets indicated the repeat.  There were only five alerts.

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replied on March 3, 2017

Where it did 1,2,4,2,3, that is acting like you have two rows in the Coding Chart table, the first is not set to Rejected, but the second is.  

Was that the case, or was there only one row?

Here's what the five steps are telling us:
1 = process was triggered.
2 = cycle through the first codingStatus field
4 = the first field is not marked as rejected
2 = cycle through the second codingStatus field
3 = the second field is marked as rejected (at this point, the hidden row in the Rejected table should be shown).

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replied on March 7, 2017

No, the first row was being rejected in the above scenario.  I still need to click "Add" before the Rejected Items table appears.  Once I do that, it goes through the messages again.

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replied on March 7, 2017

Weird.  That's not really how it should be reacting.  It should be having the rejected table appear as soon as you change the staus in the first row to rejected.  Would you be willing to share a copy of your BP?

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replied on March 7, 2017

This is the section of the process that deals with the form in question.  It's pretty basic.

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replied on March 7, 2017

How about the form?  Does it only have the structure listed out in the previous posts?  Or does it have a lot of other stuff going on?  Just trying to figure out why the functionality would be different for you than for me...

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replied on March 7, 2017

The process starts with a Invoice Entry form, then it moves to the Invoice Coding form (this is an optional process based on selections in the first form).  The table is seen first on the Invoice Coding form, but it does not include the Status column or the Approved/Rejected column, as above. The coder fills in the information and selects the approver.  The business process routes the information to the appropriate person. If the submission does not require coding, it would go directly to the approver; who would need to fill out the table on the approval form.

The Approval form contains the table, including any previous information that is entered.  The Status column and the Approved/Rejected columns have bee added to the table.  The approver then selects approve/reject for each line item.  The Approved/Rejected by: field is automatically populate by the current user name. 

Once completed, the approver selects Submit to continue the process.


I'm going to go through everything (Again!) to ensure that I have everything just as you stated above.  I copied and pasted the code, so that should be right.  I will double check my field set up.

If we don't come up with anything, I will wait for an update.  I'm scheduled next week, I think.  Maybe that will help.



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replied on March 7, 2017

I'm not seeing anything that would explain why it doesn't seem to be working as soon as the approver changes the status to reject...  I'm kinda stumped.

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replied on March 7, 2017

I appreciate your help.  I will post the answer to the glitch, if/when I figure it out.

I think you have answered my original question, so I will mark this questions as "Answered".   

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replied on March 7, 2017

If you are definitely scheduled for upgrade to 10.2 next week, let me know how it's going after the upgrade.  I still don't think that should be the issue, but who knows?

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replied on March 23, 2017

You were correct.  The update did not solve the issue. I'll figure it out eventually...

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replied on March 23, 2017

Oh no!  That's so weird - I went back to my version of the form I set-up when I originally replied to your post, and it's still working as expected for me.

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replied on March 23, 2017

At this point, unfortunately, I don't know what more I can do to try to help identify why that part isn't working, short of somehow seeing what is actually going on in your system, like a WebEx meeting or something...

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replied on March 24, 2017

I managed to add some code that will add rows automatically.  This is a work around to the problem I was having with the add button.  Technically, the program is still clicking "Add", but the user doesn't see it.

1 0
replied on March 24, 2017

Sometimes workarounds are a fact of coding...

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replied on February 26, 2017

@████████- you should include the topic of "Forms" with your question to ensure it is categorized correctly.

What you are trying to do is definitely possible with Javascript and should be relatively easy to put together.

Before I dive deeper into it however, I do have a couple questions.  How would you want it to handle situations where multiple items in your table have been marked as rejected?  Would you want multiple rejected fields, one for each item with rejected status, or a consolidated field of some type?  Do you have a minimum and maximum number of rows allow in your table?

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replied on March 1, 2017

If there are multiple items rejected, I would like a reason for each item if they are rejected.  There would be a minimum of one row, but there is technically no maximum; although, I can imagine it being over 100 rows, which is quite a generous allowance for the procedure involved. 

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replied on March 1, 2017

Okay, I'm going to work on a solution for you.  In the meantime, please edit your original post and add "Forms" to the topic field.  Thanks!

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