I am currently having trouble with implementing a JavaScript to enable commas to the currency fields, and performing a calculation with them. When enabled the commas function, the calculation only calculate after the commas from the currency fields. Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks.
$(document).ready(function () { $('.table').on('blur', 'input', sumtotal) $('#q17').on('blur', 'input', sumtotal) $('#q25').on('blur', 'input', sumtotal) //product table function function sumtotal() { $('.total input').attr('readonly', false); var quantity = 0; var unit = 0; var total = 0; var subtotal = 0; var shipping = $('#q25 input').val(); var gradtotal = 0; $('.table.cf-table-block tbody tr').each(function () { quantity = parseNumber($(this).find('.quantity input').val()); unit = parseNumber($(this).find('.unit input').val()); subtotal = parseNumber(quantity * unit); $(this).find('.total input').val(subtotal.toFixed(2)); total += subtotal; }); grandtotal = parseNumber(shipping)+parseNumber(total)+(total*$('#q17 input').val()); $('#q26 input').val(grandtotal); //added to force a change call. Currently if an alert is placed into the function it fires off but no formatting $('#q26 input').change(); } //parse for number value function function parseNumber(n) { var f = parseFloat(n); //Convert to float number. return isNaN(f) ? 0 : f; //treat invalid input as 0; } }); $(document).ready ( function(){ $('[id=Field2]').click(function(){ var test = $('select[id=Field20] option:last-child').text() $('[id=Field1]').val(test); });}); $(document).ready(function () { $(".total input, .etotal input, .shipping input").attr("pattern", '^(\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*)(\\.\\d{2})?$'); $(".total input, .etotal input, .shipping input").on("change", function () { $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,")); }); });