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operation timed out

asked on February 7, 2017

When trying to conduct a search in WebLink, users are getting Operation Timed out after just a couple of seconds.  What could be causing this?

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replied on February 7, 2017

Is the issue Weblink specific? Does it work with the Windows client (Laserfiche client) or the Web Client (Web Access)? 

Can you provide us with the full message/screenshot of what you are seeing?

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replied on February 7, 2017

Client has no issues at all and we don't use web access

TimeOutError.JPG (116.44 KB)
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replied on February 7, 2017

Does work or do you get a timeout there too?

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replied on February 7, 2017

I can get to the site and login to the repository and even browse but any search gives the error.

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replied on February 7, 2017

Please contact your VAR and have them open a case with Support

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