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Forms variable of a radio button to populate into another field in a subsequent form

asked on February 1, 2017

I have an application form, with a subsequent response form that goes to staff to complete.  The subsequent form needs only some of the info from the application form.  To simplify things, I would like to do two things:

1)  For a new Location field:  Combine two fields from the application into one field on the response form.  In this case, one of the fields on the application is a radio button choice.  The other is just a simple location address filled in.

2)  For a tasks required field:  Combine two fields from the application into one field on the response form.  In this case one of the fields is a pick out of a drop-down list, which was unhidden when the choice was made in the radio button mentioned above.  The other field is just a name field.

I can't seem to get this working.  Any thoughts?

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replied on February 15, 2017

I am not sure if I have understand well, but in form for the same business process you can create more than one form,

means, you can create a starting form will a lot of information and create a second form that will have less information from the first form and also add information that were not present on the first form

you can also use rules and script to get able to achieve what you want.


wish that help

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