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Removing Mail Merge References from empty fields

asked on February 1, 2017


Is it possible to remove/hide the Mail Merge references if a SQL Query does not return any values?

When populating a table in a Word document and converting to a PDF - if no values are returned the PDF looks like this:

Here are my settings for this part of the Mail Merge insert:


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replied on February 1, 2017

Hello Dominic,


The "Remove unused regions" option will remove the table if it ends up being empty. It will remove all empty tables so if you have other Table Merges in your Update Word Document activity, then I would recommend that you only have that option checked for your most bottom Table Merge modification.

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replied on August 27, 2020

Hi Winston,

Is it possible to have the values on the empty row as N/A for each column instead of removing the region?


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