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How to "Refresh" an Active Directory user Profile info without Re-creation of the user

asked on January 30, 2017

We recently noticed that for many of our initial users we had loaded onto LFDS some time ago, their Profile Tab seems to be missing all the user's info except for their "User Name".  If we delete and Re-create the user account, then it reflects all the info that was previously missing. See below images:

Original Account:

The Same profile after Deletion and then re-creation of the account:

Due to the number of users that is effected by this behaviour I would like to know if there is a easier way to get LFDS to somehow be refreshed in order to update all the profile data for the effected users, without the need to Delete and re-create the account.

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replied on January 30, 2017

LFDS will update the information as the user logs in through LFDS.

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replied on January 30, 2017

Hi Miruna,

thank you for the reply but that is not the behaviour we are seeing. The accounts that have none of the profile attributes, have been on LFDS since we migrated all the users onto the platform +- 2 years ago and some are as new as 8 months ago. 

Granted majority of the users are only logging into the repository, but the i past weekend we did a migration of our Forms server to use LFDS Authentication. If your theory is correct, then all the effected user's profiles should have updated yesterday when they logged in for the first time via LFDS to access the forms server, but they did not. Because of the information being missing , it caused problems in their processes and this is when I came to the conclusion that Deleting their account and then re-creating solves the problem. 

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replied on January 31, 2017 Show version history

You may wish to open a support case through your reseller, as this is not the expected behavior. Make sure to include the version number of both Forms and LFDs.

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replied on February 15, 2017

Please update with a solution!  Thank you!

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replied on February 15, 2017

The case is awaiting an update, so we don't have enough information for a resolution yet.

If you are running into this issue yourself, please check the following before opening your own support case :

  1. As mentioned, you should be on the latest version
  2. Make sure that Forms is using Single Sign On (SSO) through Directory Server
  3. If possible, try having a user log into the web client (Web Access) or Discussions via SSO
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replied on February 16, 2017

Hi Brianna,

What feedback are you waiting on? I had supplied feedback already on my findings 2 weeks ago and have not heard back since.

the one part of the suggestion you mention above about having a user log in via Web access however was not given through to me, so I'll see if I can get that done and see if there is any change in the user properties.

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replied on February 16, 2017

Hi Brianna,

I tried with an effected account having the user login via Web Access but it did not update their profile details on LFDS.



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replied on February 16, 2017

Ok, because I previously manually re-created the affected Forms users, I did not have a user that I could test with. So in order to test and see if Signing in with Forms, after the update to LFDS, would solve the issue I took an affected profile, granted them access to Forms, and asked the user to sign in. This then successfully updated specific User Profile details on LFDS. So for any user having the problem, once the Update to LFDS is done, the Form sign in fixes their details.

My problem however is now that the profiles that still remain affected, are not Forms users.

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replied on February 16, 2017 Show version history

They must sign in to Web Access using SSO, not just regular authentication. We are looking for ways to improve this process in a future release.

Please contact your solution provider directly to follow up on questions about the support case status

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replied on May 10, 2024

I have a customer that is using LFDS only for the licensing and logins for forms and repository are only via repository login.  They are finding the same issue where changes in AD are not reflected in LFDS for Display Names, First Name, and Last Name.  They use generic, role based, usernames and the user's profile details change from time to time when a new person takes that position.

I'm also finding that the sync does not refresh the profile data and it is required to delete and re-add the account to get the profile to show updated data.

They are currently on LFDS 11 update 2 and I don't see any notes in the newer updates to LFDS that would address this.  Is there any expected update for this in the works?



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replied on May 10, 2024

Jim, as Miruna mentioned above, the information for a user in LFDS updated when the user logs in through LFDS authentication. If they are using Laserfiche Server authentication it will not update in LFDS.

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replied on May 10, 2024

Yes, I got that but the response from Brianna Blanchard suggested that they may be looking at changing this in a future release.  That was back in 2017...


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replied on May 15, 2024

The scheduled AD sync should be updating user information, as far as I am aware.

You can check the status of AD updates here:


I would open a support case if, after AD sync runs, you do not see updates to user profiles.

There are no near-term plans to change the functionality. The essence of the issue is that AD doesn't send a notification to LFDS, so we cannot automatically detect changes, and thus we update it either (1) when AD sync runs and LFDS queries AD for the update information or (2) when the user logs in.

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replied on May 24, 2024

Hi Briana


The AD sync runs and is successful but the profile data is not updated.  I've verified that the users are not marked as exempt as well.  I'll open a support ticket.


Thank you



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replied on June 24, 2024

We have a client with the same issue, i.e. an existing user was recently married and hence their username, surname and email address in AD has changed. The is no automatic AD sync setup via trustee providers and users are managed manually. It allows us to synchronize but nothing is updated (and the user is not exempt from sync rules). We have a case open but if there was a solution for other cases I'd be interested to hear the outcome.



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