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Timer Catch Event Triggered the Evening Before it was Expected

asked on January 18, 2017

I was expecting my Timer Catch Event (which is based on a date field variable in my form) to trigger on January 19th, but it triggered at 5:00 PM on January 18th.

Does anyone know why this may have happened?

My best guess is that it ran at 1/19 12:00 AM UTC, which is 7 hours ahead of us, or that there is some setting that says the end of the business day is at 5:00 PM.

I've been looking around in the help documentation and in the Forms administration and configuration, and I'm not having much luck figuring this one out.

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replied on January 23, 2017

Hi Matthew, I traced back the issue in Forms 10.1 and found that it has been fixed for 10.2. So can you try to upgrade to Forms 10.2? The upgrade should fix it.



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replied on January 19, 2017

Can you try and check whether the Process TimeZone setting matches your local timezone? The timer events should follow the process timezone.


If you are using Forms 10.1, click the hamburger button on the left of Process Diagram. On the menu, click Publishing Options. 



Check the timezone whether it is the same as your local time.


If you are using Forms 10.2, the options should be on the left drawer of the Process Diagram.


Let me know how it goes.

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replied on January 19, 2017

Thank you for the reply @████████

Yes, it is showing my local time:

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replied on January 20, 2017

Ok, thank you for checking it Matthew. I'm trying to debug and see what's going on inside. So can you confirm one more thing, are you using Forms 10.1?



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replied on January 20, 2017

Yes, Forms 10.1 Update 3

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replied on January 23, 2017

Hi Matthew, I traced back the issue in Forms 10.1 and found that it has been fixed for 10.2. So can you try to upgrade to Forms 10.2? The upgrade should fix it.



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replied on January 23, 2017

Oh fantastic!  Thank you @████████!  I'll touch bases with our VAR about upgrading.


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replied on September 28, 2017

Hi @████████


Did updating to forms 10.2 solve this for you?  Or did something else end up being the solution?  I ask because we are on Forms 10.2.1, but the Catch event is triggering the evening before for us as well.  However, it is going at 6 pm, not 5 (even though as you know we are in the same time zone as you).


An example is we have a process that should reassign the task 1 day before a due date.  The date is Sep 29, so it should have gone at 12 AM on Sep 28, but it went at 6 PM of Sep 27.



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replied on September 28, 2017 Show version history

Hey @████████ great to hear from you!

We are currently on version 10.2 Update 1 (IT has been stonewalling me for updates beyond that).  wink

I do believe this issue is fixed.  I went back and checked a couple items in that process.  They said that they were supposed to be assigned 1 day after a particular date variable, which was set to 8/17/2017.  They show that they were assigned at 12:00 AM on 8/18/2017.  Just as I would expect.  smiley

Oh...  And the difference you say as 6 PM instead of 5 PM - my guess is daylight savings time.  My original post was in January, which was on the winter-end of DST, whereas now in September we're in the summer-end.  It should be an hour different even though we are both in the same time-zone.  cheeky

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