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Form embeded in webpage causes page to "jump" to form location

asked on January 13, 2017

We have a Laserfiche Form embedded on a custom web page near the bottom of the page using the provided embed code from the Publish page. The LF Form includes a File Upload field/button.

Now when the web page loads, the page automatically jumps to the location where the form is rather than load at the top of the page. The web developer that created the page is stating that is is because the "File Upload" button has focus so the page is loading on the button position rather the top of the page as desired. They further state that this has to be fixed on the form (remove focus) in order to resolve the issue.

This is a third party developer so not sure if this is true or not, or, if there is anything we can do to the form itself to remove the button focus.


Thanks in advance,


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replied on January 20, 2017

The File Upload button won't have focus when page load. Do you have required field on the form which is configured to filled by lookup rule? It used to do validation on such field when page load before Forms 10.1 Update3, you can apply Forms 10.1 Update 3 to fix it.

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replied on January 25, 2017

We are using Forms 9.2, not 10.x.

There are several hidden fields (hidden with css) on the form that we are populating with variables from the URL. There are no lookup rules used on the form.

Here is a screenshot of the form. All the hidden fields are above the section where the file upload control is. You can see that the "Select Files" button has focus (blue outline). This is what is causing the page to load on the form, rather than the top. Probably important to note that this form is being embedded as a custom component on a Salesforce page.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

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