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Javascript for drop downs

asked on January 11, 2017

Need some help with javascript on this form I'm working on.

There's a Grade drop-down, with values TK-8th Grade

Based on what grade is chosen in that drop down, the School Requesting drop down should only show Schools that offer those grades.


i.e. K (Kindergarten) is chosen in the Grade drop down

School Requesting drop down should only show, Alpine Vista, Cypress, Garden,  Heritage, Kohn, Lincoln, Maple, Mission, Pleasant, Roosevelt, Wilson

Grade drop.png
school drop.png
Grade drop.png (18.02 KB)
school drop.png (31.81 KB)
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replied on January 13, 2017

Ended up just making four drop downs, and hid all of them with field rules. Set some more field rules to show certain schools when a certain grade was selected. Thanks for the help Blake.

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replied on January 11, 2017

Is your school requesting list being populated from a database lookup or is it set in the field itself?

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replied on January 13, 2017



It's a set list in the drop down field.

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replied on January 13, 2017

You could make a database table that listed each school and the type of school. Then when the grade is selected, have its data value be the type of school, so then another lookup is done to only show those schools.

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replied on January 13, 2017

Hm okay, So right now I have the two columns. School name and Type of school, What values would I input for type of school?

I can't do elementary or middle as types because there are multiple Elementary schools that go TK-6th grade, and some middle schools that have 5th-8th grade.

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replied on January 13, 2017 Show version history

Hm, maybe I can do multiple values of each school, and apply the grades to the type column. Let me try this out.


Edit: This won't work, I forgot that we can't have multiple values of the same name.

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replied on January 13, 2017

Ended up just making four drop downs, and hid all of them with field rules. Set some more field rules to show certain schools when a certain grade was selected. Thanks for the help Blake.

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