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Converting text(char) to a numeric value and back to text

asked on January 3, 2017


We´re using workflow to scan through documents in a specific folder and pull a text-field value (ie. 3828329) and need to add (+1) one to it, to assign this new value to the next document found.

We´re using retrieve field value, and assign variable value to perform this task, but it won´t let do the addition. 

I need to pull text, convert to numeric, add one, convert back to text and update the new document with the text result.

Any ideas?



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replied on January 3, 2017

Hi Juan,


I was able to do the addition by using an assign token value to take the retrieve field value.  Then use the token calculator to add one the the assign token value instead of the retrieve field value.  

Hope this helps.


~Dylan Mathiesen

text to int.PNG
text to int.PNG (10.21 KB)
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replied on January 3, 2017

Thans, this solved my problem.  Very simple.

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