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Docusign template

asked on November 29, 2016 Show version history

When I select a document in Web Access and say "Request Signature with DocuSign", the DocuSign template is empty. It says "Your account has not been configured with any DocuSign templates.". How do I configure a template please?




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replied on November 29, 2016 Show version history

Hi Priya,

DocuSign templates are not configured in Laserfiche, you'd need to configure them in your DocuSign account (see attached image). With DocuSign templates, you can configure recipients, signing order, signature requirements, etc. You can read more here about working with DocuSign templates. Once DocuSign templates are configured appropriately, the Laserfiche integration with DocuSign will pull the list of templates available to the user.

Additionally, in future please do consider that these are public forums with no conferred guarantee on responses. If you have urgent need for answers to questions you can reach out to your reseller (or in your case, your contact with Laserfiche Consulting) for more immediate assistance.

Hope this helps!

Note: The URL in the screenshot is for a developer's account; the host name may differ if you have an actual production account.

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replied on November 30, 2016

Thanks a lot!



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replied on November 29, 2016

Any help please?



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replied on November 29, 2016

You create a DocuSign template in DocuSign. See their help files on the topic.

If their help files don't match up with what you see, you should refer to their help files for the "Classic" Docusign .

replied on November 30, 2016

I got it working, thanks. Will the docusign signed document be stored back in the repository please? 



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replied on November 30, 2016 Show version history

Hi Priya, the short answer is yes, but it requires additional configuration.

The first step is to configure the "URL to publish to" from a custom DocuSign connection so that it publishes to our integration's DocuSign Connect Service. The attached video shows the path in the newer DocuSign UI to get to the appropriate settings, and this help file describes the different settings to make. In particular, the default endpoint will be of the form http://WebServer/DocuSignConnectService/receivepdf. Note that DocuSign needs to be able to communicate to this, so the host needs to be publicly accessible.

The second step is to configure the integration to know what to do with the documents once they are received from DocuSign, which you can read about here. That help file also has a sample configuration for reference.

Hope this helps!

ds-connect.swf (1.34 MB)
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replied on November 30, 2016




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