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Modify "This document contains no pages message." for Electronic files with no pages in Weblink

asked on November 7, 2016 Show version history

Good Afternoon,


I am working with a custom integration system that provide users with Laserfiche files through a generated Weblink URL.  The integration just has the entry ID information and nothing else, so it always uses the DocView URL structure: http://WeblinkServer/Weblink8/DocView.aspx?id=[EntryID].  Now this works perfectly when the document is a Tiff, but when it's an electronic file the users get a little confused by "This document contains no pages" message.   Is there way to modify that text or remove it?  I tried looking through DocView.aspx file but it doesn't look like it can be modified from there.  Any information or guidance on this would be much appreciated.  Thank you! 




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replied on November 8, 2016

Generating pages is not a process that is part of the overall integration scheme, and it is not possible to add it as a automated processing step, which is a requirement.

I have figured out a  way to replace the text using JQuery.  Thank you for the response.  Its appreciated.


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replied on November 8, 2016

Likely your Import Options are not set to Generate Laserfiche Pages on import for PDF's and Electronic Files, this is why you see no preview of the documents, but instead are just presented with the message "The Document contains no pages" with the Download option. If you generate pages on the PDF and Office Docs you would see the documents like the Tiff image, and the customer would still have the option to download the actual Electronic file.

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replied on November 8, 2016

Generating pages is not a process that is part of the overall integration scheme, and it is not possible to add it as a automated processing step, which is a requirement.

I have figured out a  way to replace the text using JQuery.  Thank you for the response.  Its appreciated.


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