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Inclusive Gateway Task for Users

asked on October 12, 2016

This is what we got:

at the beginning is set an inclusive  gate to a several users to they must meet requirements of each input gate, on following example 2 inputs meet requirements and third doesn´t resting 3rd  one empty.    


At the other side we used a Parallel gate as “wait for” user 1 and 2 to complete their task before to proceed to “Final si funciono”

The issue is on inclusive gate 3rd output is empty since it doesn´t have associate user to it then process can´t go on thought 1 and 2 meet requirements  

I think issue can be solved be means another inclusive gate would initiate taks “Final si funciono” x times when is needed to execute one time only, have any idea how to fix it?  

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replied on October 13, 2016

Parallel gateway will wait for all the flows to arrive. If you change the parallel gateway to inclusive gateway, each flow arrive at inclusive gateway will trigger the merge because there are exclusive gateway in between. Can you remove the exclusive gateways?

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replied on October 13, 2016 Show version history



You can not delete the exclusive gates since according to the decision must be returned to the user task



We require that the process wait for all tasks are completed, excluding the branches where task is not assigned to user. I'm not sure if I must do it with Exclusive Gateway or Parallel Gateway, I have tested with both activities, I do not get the desired result

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