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using workflow to delete template info

asked on October 12, 2016

We have a customer that had a workflow that was suppose to retrieve a data from a custom query then use pattern match to parse out the information there was a hiccup and instead of putting the number it but the word true in the template a few times is there a way that workflow could search the repository and delete the word true from the multivalue field with out removing the entire field and then re adding it 

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replied on October 12, 2016

Have a workflow use the "search repository" activity to find the desired entries. Then assign a blank value ("") to the desired field.

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replied on October 12, 2016

The problem with that is it is a multivalue field and some of the values are correct

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replied on October 12, 2016

You will need to retrieve the field, iterate over its values and set them into a temporary token then replace the old token with the new one. Here is an example of how to do this.


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replied on October 12, 2016

where would the retrieve be located if I retrieve before wouldn't it just put the true statement back in I would assume it would be after it ran through the true decision then it would go through and reassign the order numbers?


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replied on October 12, 2016

the field looks like this on most of the docs. v00121212 then about 5 true fields then the rest of the v numbers. I want the true statements gone and not duplicate the numbers. I am a little confused on how to accomplish that With creating a token that has all the info before the trues are removed and then put the numbers back. 


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