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Open Drawing area in Forms

asked on October 11, 2016

Hi All,

I believe a similar question may have asked before but I have a customer that needs to be able to draw inside a form,  large boxed area eg:- quick sketch of a floor plan.

There was mention of a custom coded signature field that may be able to be used?



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replied on October 12, 2016

Yes you can you a signature field to draw. However you would probably need to use custom CSS and JS to customize it to be suitable for drawing a floor plan

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replied on October 9, 2018 Show version history

I have a customer with a similar request for a sketch box on their form.  How would I change the texts where it states sign and change the popup window to only have the sketch area?  Also, can we increase the size of the sketch area?

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replied on December 31, 2018

I never got a response to how to edit the Signature control to make it usable as a sketch feature on a form.  Can someone please give some guidance on how to modify it?

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