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AutoFill Button Renaming and Moving the Button in Forms 10.1

asked on October 11, 2016

I am using multiple lookup conditions in my Form.  Therefore there are plenty of Auto Fill Buttons on the Form.  Is there a way to name them individually? Is there a way to move these buttons closer to another Fillable Field?



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replied on May 12, 2017

You can try with Forms 10.2.1 which now allow you to hide the auto fill button when you configure the lookup rule and will auto fill for you automatically.

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replied on February 1, 2018

Can you tell me where exactly I would configure this?  Here are my lookup rules:


and this is what the form looks like:


I would love for #1 (Auto fill button) to not appear and #2 Award Title 1 field to auto populate without the user needing to click on an additional (Auto fill) button in between - in other words, once they select an option under "Award Type 1", then the field under "Award Title 1" will fill all applicable choices based on the Lookup Rules.

I believe we are running version 10.2.1.

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