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Token Function Split on New Line

asked on October 11, 2016


I'm trying to split the text for each new line but the Split Function doesn't appear to be working as intended. Has anyone else done this?

I have also tried using a few other control characters like #NEWLINE# without much luck! Below is what I'm trying to achieve, but as you can see is not splitting:

Below shows the line break characters:

I've noticed that when looking at the text file outside of Laserfiche in Notepad++ it shows CRLF characters for new line, but in Laserfiche it's \r\n.


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replied on October 11, 2016

Here is a sample pattern:

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replied on October 11, 2016

Can you run your workflow and provide the input and output of token spliter? Also is the purpose of this activity to parse a csv file?

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replied on October 11, 2016

The Split function won't do it. Use the Pattern Matching activity.

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