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Greyed out of fields and hide sections

asked on September 27, 2016 Show version history

Hi all,

I have a leave form which has a User section, Supervisor section, Human Resource section, CEO section. I have applied 'lookup rules'  which is pulling the the supervisor, Human Resource officer and CEO email from an external SQL table based on the user who has logged on Laserfiche Forms.  I have made 3 copies of the leave form and name it as "Leave- Supervisor",'Leave - Human Resource', 'Leave-  CEO' Form so that the respective participant will fill in the relevant selections. When the Supervisor receives the form, he needs to see the fields of 'User' Section as greyed out and the 'Human Resource' section should be hidden. Can you please tell me how to achieve this? Please see my main Form screenshot. NOTE: I have taken two screenshots as I could not take a full print of screen.

form 1.png
form 2.png
form 1.png (18.59 KB)
form 2.png (3.04 KB)
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replied on September 27, 2016

One way i could think of doing is using Javascript.

If user is from Human Resource Section, then make other sections read only.

$('#q7 input').attr('readonly',true);


remove readonly

$('#q7 input').removeattr('readonly');

something like this.

Another way i could think of is using Forms Exclusive Gateway, to determine which form should be displayed.

Hope this will get you started.

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