I'm struggling to get a conditional set of user tasks working based on an inclusive gateway to determine the paths to go down containing user tasks and followed by a parallel gateway to merge paths afterwards.
The problem is that regardless of the conditions set, the parallel gateway is waiting for all paths to complete before it continues and therefore gets stuck waiting for paths whose conditions were not met to complete.
I have seen other similar posts on this with the stated solution that Forms 10 resolves the issue, but I am on forms and still having issues so perhaps there is something else I am missing ?
Each exit path from the inclusive gateway has a condition set by a radio button on a previous form and I have tried numerous options for the converging paths on the parallel gateway including, nothing, default and the same condition as the exit from the inclusive gateway. All result in the same thing - the process hangs waiting for a non-satisfied condition path to complete on the parallel gateway.
Would be very grateful if anyone can offer advice on this.