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Loading Forms Configuration Page

asked on September 21, 2016

I recently installed forms 10.1 on a new server.

It seems like the JS on the page is not loading correctly for me.


I've tried ie, firefox and chrome but the page looks the same on each browser.

I've tried doing a repair and also an uninstall/reinstall to no avail.


The normal forms page loads fine but is not configured.


There aren't any errors thrown during the installation process.


Are there any separate packages that need to be installed to get the config page working?

Or could there be any server setting that might interfere with it?


I've included the line number for errors thrown during the page load.

Config Page.png
Config Page.png (48.48 KB)
Console.png (15.69 KB)
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replied on September 21, 2016

Can you make sure that static content is turned on in IIS (see

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replied on September 22, 2016

Hi Raymond,


Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately that role is already enabled.

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replied on September 22, 2016

Actually, I think I've managed to fix my problem.


There's a CSP header on the forms config site which is set to "default-src https: data 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'".


If I remove this the site seems to works fine.

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replied on August 12, 2019


can you please tell where did you  find this line, I mean where is the file located?




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