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Date Format yyyymmdd to mm/dd/yyyy

asked on September 15, 2016 Show version history


I am pulling a date from a DB query and the date comes back as yyyymmdd (20160915) I'm trying to convert it to a format LF designer will read/understand for a data metadata field.

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replied on September 15, 2016

Hi Darren.

Did you try to do the following?

After do te cast use token editor in laserfiche for the format that you need.

That maybe can work for you otherwise you can try give it the format directly on sql

Hope can work for you


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replied on September 15, 2016


I was using the Query Data activity in LF Designer to get the date from one of our operational systems and didn't know how to do the cast you were referring to.

I did manage to solve my issue through 'Date Token Calculator' and regular expressions:

Thanks for your help.


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replied on September 15, 2016

Hi Darren Glad to hear about that.

Exactly I was thinking in put a Custom query node with a query on it 

Like this 

And then

Just 2 steps.


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