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End Workflow

asked on September 12, 2016

Okay, HR wanted to be able to end the HR Workflow at anytime. So no matter where the document is at the process they want to have the ability to reject. I know the answer to this question but I am having a brain fart. frown Does it involve the End Workflow activity.

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replied on September 12, 2016

Yes, you should probably use End Workflow. To structure this process you'll probably want every conditional decision to have a branch where HR decides to reject the process, and put an End Workflow activity in that branch, possibly along with a email activity to notify everyone relevant. 


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replied on September 12, 2016

Okay...I think you triggered a light bulb in my head. I have a part in my process that if the condition is satisfied it goes into some delays. What I will do is run path "Route to Interview Process" as a parallel path and on the other path have a wait condition set on a rejection option for HR. That way if HR decides not to go through with the Interview they are not held up by delays. It makes sense in my head. I will have to test it out. 

HR Onboarding Process.png
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