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Migrate Entry Remove Volume

asked on August 26, 2016


In LF Client we can remove Volume. 

In LF workflow using Migrate Entry we can assign Volume to this entry. But can we unassign or remove volume from entry that already has volume assigned to it.

I tried to use space but that gave me error.

Any Suggestions.


Junaid Inam

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replied on August 26, 2016

Those are 2 separate actions. In the LF Client you are removing the folder's default volume, not migrating it. Migrating entries in the workflow activity moves them from one volume to the next. In the LF Client, you can't use the Migrate Entry action to remove a folder's default volume.

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replied on August 26, 2016

We currently have lot of folders with unassigned volume. We found this out by scanning in something which would give error. 

Another thing we found out was when a folder doesn't have any volume assigned to it, only client could change that, web access completely omits that option. 

One way i could think of is using migrating volume to assign volume to each folder but that is costly. 

Any other way you know? SDK? 

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