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Have table rows dynamic in first form, then fixed in a second form.

asked on August 12, 2016 Show version history



In forms, I currently have a table with two columns in which I am using in two different forms. In the first form, column 1 is to be filled out and the second column is read only (blank). In the second form, column 1 is read only (with filled values from form 1) and the second column is to be filled.


The problem is that the table is able to have 1 or 2 (exclusive) rows. The number of rows needs to be specified by the first user in the first form. This means that if the user filling out form 1 decides to add a second row, the second row needs to be there for the second user on the second form, but the second user should not be able to delete any of the rows.


Currently, I can only make it so that there's exactly one row, or the second user is able to delete a row if they desire. This isn't good enough for what I'm trying to accomplish.


Any suggestions? I'm using version 9. Thanks!

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replied on August 12, 2016 Show version history


This is not too much trouble, first check the box for the second column in the first form to 'Read Only', then check the box for the first column in the second form to 'Read Only'.  Next, put this in the CSS box for the second form:

#q7 {display: none;}
.form-q .form-del-field {display:none!important}

Change the q value to whatever the field number is for your add button (you can find this by right clicking the add button under the javascript/css view page, choosing 'inspect element', and then checking the value when the developer window shows up at the bottom.  The line will be highlighted, take that q value and plug it in the first line.  The second line hides the delete row x's on the second form.  If they cannot see them, they cannot use them.  Hope this helps!


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