I have an issue where we are getting a large number of spelling and formatting mistakes in the OCR text.
This has only been reported since the update to v10.1, but im not 100% sure it wasn't doing it before. The users report 'it was better before' but i'm not sure exactly when it started.
The documents that are having the issue are direct from LF Forms (saved as a .TIFF file) so there is no handwriting and everything is clean text. I've played with the font and size in the form, but no change.
I have tried to use DCC for the OCR and also let the users generate it manually, but it seems to work about the same. i've set it to 'Accuracy' rather than 'speed' and get the same result.
To give you an example, this is what i'm getting;
Starting phrase (pasted into a multi-line text box in the form)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Result (copied out of the text window of the resulting document.
The quick brow fox jumps aver the lazy dog
abcdef ghijkl mnopgrstuvwcyz
Anyone have any thoughts about what i can try next?