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Missing View option in Action History

asked on August 8, 2016

Hi there,


Users with submitter role are not able to see the hyper-link view in Tasks Action History panel on the right hand-side for the initial form which gets submitted. Please see the attached pic.

It happens regardless of how the form was submitted (anonymous or otherwise).

Under Forms --> Administration --> System Security, the LF group has Basic User role.

Under Forms --> Process --> Access Rights, the LF group has Submitter role.

Please let me know what I'm missing or how I should fix this issue.

If we provide users with Process Creator and Process Admin roles for the above, they will be able to see the View hyper-link for the form but that will expose the Process (WF & Form components) for them.

Please help me out.

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replied on August 9, 2016 Show version history

This is expected as part of security control, that a user (the task approver) should not be able to see form submission from others (the Anonymous User in the screenshot) if he is not process admin.

So if you want some data to be visible for the task approver, you need to put related fields to the task form.

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replied on August 9, 2016

Thanks for answering Rui.

I don't understand the security concern with respect to an approver being able to see the request that was submitted for his/her approval.

We had designed the form as you mentioned. It meant that if something changed in one form, it needed to be changed in all other forms so we decided to use the out of box feature Action History View to see past actions.

Ex: when a leave request is submitted, a manager should be able to see the form that was submitted, correct?

Please educate me if I misunderstood something.



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replied on August 9, 2016 Show version history

Your case only involves one manager approving the form, but what if there are multiple tasks in the process, and tasks are assigned to different users?

It may increase the difficulty on designing processes but we can't tell if the process admin decides to make all data visible to all task participants.

I can send a feature request on adding an option to allow process admin to make all submissions visible to all task participants, but this may not be available soon. What do you think?

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replied on August 10, 2016

Hi Rui,

Sorry for the delay, we went live with our solution yesterday and I was busy.

I think this is an important feature and needs to be included in the product. When Proc Admins can view the original form as read-only snapshot, so should other participants. In it's absence, I ended up including a read-only collapsible section of the initial form inside 5 subsequent forms.

Doesn't the same concern apply to View links displayed in subsequent steps?

Thanks and Regards,


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replied on August 11, 2016

Hi Adarsh,

Yeah this feature could be useful. I have sent the feature request and will let you know when there is any update.



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replied on August 11, 2016

Thanks Rui. I will look forward to that updat smiley.

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