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Set row read only with Radio button selection

asked on August 2, 2016

Hi All,

I'm trying to hide the <Add> new row button with the below code but it's not working, not sure what's missing.

$(document).ready(function () {
  $("#q6").on("change", function() {
    if($('#Field1-0').is(':checked')) {
   	 if($('#Field1-1').is(':checked')) {

Also i need some help with the code on how to set a table row read only when the radio button selection is either <YES> or <NO>

Condition 1 - If Job Status="Completed" and Add more jobs = "Yes"

Show Add button and set the filled row read only after inserting a new row.

Condition 2 - If Job Status="Completed" and Add more jobs="No"

Hide Add Button and set the filled row read only.

Thanks in advance.

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replied on August 3, 2016


I find "#q6" and "#Field1" doesn't match in your script.  I think Field 1 is a radio button, change "#q6" to "#q1“ may work


For another question, I wrote a script according to my assume that there is 1 row in the begining

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('#q7').on("change", function() { 
    var tr= $('tr:last');
    var ra= tr.find('div[id*="Field9"]');
    if(tr.find('select option:selected').text()=='Completed')
      if(ra.find('input:eq(0)').is(':checked')) {
        if(ra.find('input:last').is(':checked')) {

  $(".cf-table-add-row").on("click", function() {

change "#q7" to id of your table, and "Field9" to id of your radio button in the table.

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replied on August 9, 2016

Hi Zhenghua,

#q6 and Field 1 are the correct fields from the form.

I've used your code in the form which worked perfectly, thank you so much but if i add a date field in the same form it doesn't work. Any reasons.

Thanks again in advance.



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