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How do I attach a pdf to email activity

asked on July 14, 2016 Show version history

I have an workflow that will email an employee a response based on template selections.  Using the email activity in WF, I'd like to attach a pdf with the email going to the employee.  How can I get the pdf attached to the email coming from WF?

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replied on July 14, 2016

Here is the selection you would want:

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replied on July 14, 2016


Click the "Email Editor" button below the Email section on the right of your workflow screen.  When it comes up, click "add attachment" and you will get a window like shown below.  Here you can choose the activity that produces the entry, and choose whether it is a document or folder.  In your case you would choose the document radio button, but then click the 'properties' link to the right of that.  This will bring up the other window allowing you to choose a shortcut, or a PDF, add or don't include annotations, etc.  The image below will show you the options.

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