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More than one list of forms available, introduction of form categories?

asked on July 7, 2016

We have a number of forms that can be completed by the users of our new paperless system. The forms available are currently stripped back depending on the user using the system (Manager can see more forms and his employee can see limited forms for example.)


Is it possible to have the list of forms categorised into tabs or their own unique lists? See my screen shots attached and the highlighted section where a tab could be. What if we started using over 200-300 forms? It may look messy in one list only.


User case, if a manager is using LF forms for more than one section of the business can we separate the forms so that the appropriate forms fall under the appropriate section/tab/list? 


A list of forms relating to HR parts of the business, a list dedicated to expenses and a list dedicated to ordering more stationary etc.? I hope that is clear.


If the above is appropriate for a Feature Request, please consider it one.


Any and all help is welcomed and appreciated.

Forms - Extra Tab.jpg
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replied on July 7, 2016

Hi Christian, there is a similar feature request already, we will consider adding it for Forms 11.

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