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Could not find the template schema specified

asked on June 29, 2016

Upgraded Weblink to 9.0 and began receiving this error when we run one of our search forms. 


2016-06-29 16_45_04-RE_ Re[8]_ Weblink Issue after upgrading to Laserfiche 10.1 - mhuemmer@docunav.c.jpg
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replied on July 5, 2016 Show version history

Found out the user did not have rights to read the template. 

We were performing an advanced search syntax {[Template]:[Field]="Value"}

Once we added the "read" right for the user, the error was resolved.

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replied on June 30, 2016

The search is trying to use a template that no longer exists in the repository.  Try modifying the search form in the WebLink designer.

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replied on July 5, 2016 Show version history

Found out the user did not have rights to read the template. 

We were performing an advanced search syntax {[Template]:[Field]="Value"}

Once we added the "read" right for the user, the error was resolved.

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replied on June 30, 2016

This seems like a database error but i cant be certain. Could you please unregister and register your repository again from weblink administrator's utility to see if that makes any difference. 

does event viewer generate any error regarding this?

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