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capture email metadata

asked on June 29, 2016

We have a customer that must save all email correspondence in Laserfiche to associate with a case management client.  They need to capture the date and time of the email, right now, LF is capturing the date and time that it is put into LF.


How can this be captured automatically?


Thank you,

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replied on June 29, 2016

All of the email metadata is available by mapping Outlook fields to template fields in the Options/New Documents/Outlook settings in the LF Client. When you drag/drop a message or use the Outlook plugin to move the message into Laserfiche the mapped metadata from Outlook populates the template automatically.

We use a single Date/Time type in our template that holds the date/time for both incoming and outgoing messages. If you set this field to map to "Time Received" in the options, the LF client is actually smart enough to populate the field with the received time for incoming message and the sent time for outgoing messages.

Import Agent 10 now supports email metadata so that might be an option for you as well, depending on the level of automation you're looking for.

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replied on August 29, 2018

I have LF 10.3 and I am not sure if this issue started prior to the update or after. When I drag my emails into LF from Outlook it would normally file with the Sender, Time Sent and Recipients noted. However recently in the last 2 weeks I have noticed that the time sent (time received also) is not matching the email timeline and even files the document with a time sent in the future. its inconsistent in the off timing as well, in that the range of time can be from 3 minutes off to hours off. not sure how to correct this or if this issue even originates with the LF program or elsewhere.

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replied on June 29, 2016 Show version history

Hi Dina,

Currently, i am using outlook save to laserfiche to save my email to Repo in .msg format.

For me it is automatically getting the From, To, Subject and Date accurately in the E-Mail Template. I only have to manually set the time sent and time received.


how would you like to automate this? Currently how are you importing emails into LF Repository?

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replied on June 30, 2016

Im working on this project and users are just dragging documents into the system and sometimes in bulk.

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replied on August 31, 2016

When exporting, how will the metadata be presented?  (to/from and date/time)

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replied on November 21, 2018 Show version history

I also have 10.3 and am kind of in the same boat where i am not sure if this is because of the update or not. I however, can't even get my date field to map to the date the email was received. I don't even have the option for that...only time received and time sent. Not "date" received. On the actual template in the admin console if I use the date received and use the "date" token it is setting EVERY date no matter when the email was sent or received to 10/12/2018....THEN if I click into the date field while the metadata is showing it shows the correct date but as soon as I click back out of that field it goes right back to 10/12/2018.  I will try to attach a few screenshots. 

Screenshot of an email dated 11.16.2018 but showing 10.12.2018.png
this is while I have my curser IN the field, If i click back out it goes back to 10.12.2018.png
Screenshot of my Outlook Options not showing DATE received.png
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