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Workflow's "Add Text Box" Activitiy

asked on June 28, 2016 Show version history

I'm working with a client who wants to add a text box to a document whenever he chooses Approved on an approval field in the template. The workflow adds a text box with the user and date, and then clears the approval field. Then, whenever another person clicks approved, it adds another text box to the same document and clears the field.

The problem we are having is that subsequent text boxes are not being applied or displayed properly.

  • If we use "Append", it will append the text underneath the previous record, but the box itself will not expand to show all of the text. The user must manual expand the text box to see all text.
  • If we use "Cascade", it puts the subsequent text boxes diagonally down from the previous one... which isn't so bad, except that it also puts it right on top of the previous box as well. So the user can't read them and has to manually separate them.


Is there any way to get a consistently clean way of applying text to a document through Workflow?

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replied on June 29, 2016

One way i could think of is that You can use location for your text boxes. Start with a default coordinates and then add predefined values to it each time there is a new text box. 

how about sticky notes or stamp. they work well for approval as well.

please let us know if it work for you or not? 


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replied on June 30, 2016

Unfortunately, we rely on .NET framework code to calculate the height of the text in Workflow when setting or appending to a textbox annotation and it doesn't look like that's correct when text is appended. We'll look into it some more, but it's unlikely we can fix it.

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replied on May 22, 2017

Resizing the annotation when data is appended to it has been fixed for 10.2.

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