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LF connector scan profile - can't change the document name

asked on June 28, 2016 Show version history

I've noticed in building the scan profiles for Laserfiche connector - while you are still in the scan window you are not allowed to change the default document name that was assigned by the connector.  Is this by design?  I presume so since you have to have a document name to store it.  

Our customer wants to use the connector to "batch scan" documents - so I'm on a Purchase Order in New World and I want to scan a bunch of documents at once - break them up in the scan window and give them different names?  Am I missing something?  Is there a way I can do this?  I played with changing the default name to a template field value but that didn't work.



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replied on June 28, 2016 Show version history

Hi Sandy,

Someone from the Connector team might weigh in and correct any mistakes, but the short answer is that it's not so much "by design" as "a consequence of design".

I'm guessing that your profile is using the desktop Client for scanning; when doing this, because of the method which opens Scanning from the desktop Client, an empty entry is actually created to populate the metadata pulled in the Connector profile. So when Scanning opens, you are not scanning a new document, but scanning in pages to an existing document. There's more discussion in this thread about other consequences of this.

As yet, even Connector 10 will run into this. However if you choose to scan into Web Access instead of the Client, you will bypass this scenario and can scan in pages, split documents, and rename them to your heart's content --- the documents will not be created until you store them.

Hope this helps!

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replied on June 29, 2016

Thanks for the information James, I'll let the customer know.

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