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Tables and calculations: copy value from column 1 to column 2, on the same row

asked on June 21, 2016

Forms 10.1 Update 1

I'm playing with the out-of-the-box calculation functionality using tables.

The help files state that Forms uses the same OpenFormula standard as Excel.

In excel, if you want to copy a value from one cell to another, you can use a simple formula referencing the source cell, e.g. =A4

When I try this on a form table though, it behaves oddly and appends the value of the subsequent cells to all cells. For example, here's the first row:

When I entered 15 into the Sub-Total field, it correctly got copied to the Amount field. Great.

But here's the second row when I click Add line item:

OK, why did the value get copied into the Amount field in the second row?

When I enter 30 into the Sub-Total field, this happens:

Is there a way to specify in the formula that the value should only be taken from the specified field in the same row as the target field?

I looked at the documentation. Unfortunately, the examples provided seem very rudimentary and they are not helpful.


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replied on June 22, 2016

For this table

I was able to achieve error that you were getting by adding this in the calculation field for col2


this would append all the values of col1 in the col2 

and then i was able to fix that using


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