Hi Marisa,
As Peer Review 2 only happens if there is a second parallel reviewer of the document, I have found the result of their review needs to be merged with Reviewers 1 outcome. If I add a separate Outflow path for rejected documents directly to the author, then it’s possible for the author to get separate rejection notifications from both reviewers. However, the author can / should only resubmit the document once, which still leaves an orphan workflow request in the system and the danger of the same document being in avertedly resubmitted twice!
Therefore, only one outflow to the parallel merge which I had set as default. If not set to default, then I get a validation error
The conditional expression for the sequence flow "Reviewed" does not take any effect because it is the only outflow following "user task" (ID: 51) in the "Main Process" process.
Based on your suggestion, I have added a separate End Event to the Peer 2 review process with a sequence flow condition of /dataset/_action="" (which solves the validation error) and changed the condition of the outflow to the parallel merge to be /dataset/_action="Approve" or /dataset/_action="Reject". Unfortunately, I still get the same result occurring in the Exclusive Gateway following the merge.
: (