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Correctly routing documents after parallel approval

asked on June 20, 2016 Show version history

Hi All,

After routing a document through a parallel approval task and merged again, the document is then incorrectly routed through the to approved path by an exclusive gateway. This specifically occurs when the first person to review the document rejects it but the second person approves it. Therefore it appears that only the last user action is being considered by the desicion gate following the merge! How can this be resolved?





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replied on June 21, 2016

Hi Martin,

How did you define the outflow paths in the exclusive gateway? Be sure to use the process variable 'Last Action', not 'Last User Action'.

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replied on June 21, 2016

Hi Marisa,

Thanks for your reply.

Here's the conditions I uused based on "Last Action".

Here's a view of the wider process as well.

FYI - I also had another issue with this gateway - I had to add the second gateway "Return to PM.." as it also miss routed rejected documents meant for for either the PM or Initiator. Splitting this test out appeard to be the only way to solve that particular issue. I am using v10.1.0.559.




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replied on June 21, 2016

Hi Martin,

In order to capture the last action for each user task, you will need to define the outgoing paths for each task before they are merged. For instance, 'Peer Review 1' and 'Peer Review 2' tasks will each have an outflow path for Approved and Rejected. Then, the Approved paths can be merged together to be routed to the 'Approved CR - Assign to Consultant' task. 

Currently, the path conditions you've defined will only recognize the last action taken from all tasks that are connected.

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replied on June 21, 2016

Hi Marisa,


As Peer Review 2 only happens if there is a second parallel reviewer of the document, I have found the result of their review needs to be merged with Reviewers 1 outcome. If I add a separate Outflow path for rejected documents directly to the author, then it’s possible for the author to get separate rejection notifications from both reviewers. However, the author can / should only resubmit the document once, which still leaves an orphan workflow request in the system and the danger of the same document being in avertedly resubmitted twice!


Therefore, only one outflow to the parallel merge which I had set as default. If not set to default, then I get a validation error


The conditional expression for the sequence flow "Reviewed" does not take any effect because it is the only outflow following "user task" (ID: 51) in the "Main Process" process.


Based on your suggestion, I have added a separate End Event to the Peer 2 review process with a sequence flow condition of /dataset/_action="" (which solves the validation error) and changed the condition of the outflow to the parallel merge to be /dataset/_action="Approve" or /dataset/_action="Reject". Unfortunately, I still get the same result occurring in the Exclusive Gateway following the merge.


 :  (


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