Error 1 : Database statement execution error encountered. Session ID: ; Dialog ID: 40891; Repository: 'DublinLF'; CLI routine: SearchExecuteThread; Message: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Operation canceled; SQL Statement: 'insert into #search_entry_cache2 (tocid, parentid, linkto) select distinct t.tocid, t.parentid, t.linkto from toc t left join searchresult5 sr0 on sr0.tocid = t.tocid and sr0.rsid = :rsid2 left join searchresult5 sr1 on sr1.tocid = t.tocid and sr1.rsid = :rsid4 left join searchresult5 sr2 on sr2.tocid = t.tocid and sr2.rsid = :rsid6 left join searchresult5 sr3 on sr3.tocid = t.tocid and sr3.rsid = :rsid8 left join searchresult5 sr4 on sr4.tocid = t.tocid and sr4.rsid = :rsid10 left join searchresult5 sr5 on sr5.tocid = t.tocid and sr5.rsid = :rsid12 left join searchresult5 sr6 on sr6.tocid = t.tocid and sr6.rsid = :rsid14 left join searchresult5 sr7 on sr7.tocid = t.tocid and sr7.rsid = :rsid16 left join searchresult5 sr8 on sr8.tocid = t.tocid and sr8.rsid = :rsid18 left join searchresult5 sr9 on sr9.tocid = t.tocid and sr9.rsid = :rsid20 left join searchresult5 sr10 on sr10.tocid = t.tocid and sr10.rsid = :rsid22 left join searchresult5 sr11 on sr11.tocid = t.tocid and sr11.rsid = :rsid24 left join searchresult5 sr12 on sr12.tocid = t.tocid and sr12.rsid = :rsid26 left join searchresult5 sr13 on sr13.tocid = t.tocid and sr13.rsid = :rsid28 left join searchresult5 sr14 on sr14.tocid = t.tocid and sr14.rsid = :rsid30 left join searchresult5 sr15 on sr15.tocid = t.tocid and sr15.rsid = :rsid32 left join searchresult5 sr16 on sr16.tocid = t.tocid and sr16.rsid = :rsid34 left join searchresult5 sr17 on sr17.tocid = t.tocid and sr17.rsid = :rsid36 left join searchresult5 sr18 on sr18.tocid = t.tocid and sr18.rsid = :rsid38 left join searchresult5 sr19 on sr19.tocid = t.tocid and sr19.rsid = :rsid40 left join searchresult5 sr20 on sr20.tocid = t.tocid and sr20.rsid = :rsid42 left join searchresult5 sr21 on sr21.tocid = t.tocid and sr21.rsid = :rsid44 left join searchresult5 sr22 on sr22.tocid = t.tocid and sr22.rsid = :rsid46 left join searchresult5 sr23 on sr23.tocid = t.tocid and sr23.rsid = :rsid48 left join searchresult5 sr24 on sr24.tocid = t.tocid and sr24.rsid = :rsid50 left join searchresult5 sr25 on sr25.tocid = t.tocid and sr25.rsid = :rsid52 left join searchresult5 sr26 on sr26.tocid = t.tocid and sr26.rsid = :rsid54 left join searchresult5 sr27 on sr27.tocid = t.tocid and sr27.rsid = :rsid56 left join searchresult5 sr28 on sr28.tocid = t.tocid and sr28.rsid = :rsid58 left join searchresult5 sr29 on sr29.tocid = t.tocid and sr29.rsid = :rsid60 left join searchresult5 sr30 on sr30.tocid = t.tocid and sr30.rsid = :rsid62 left join searchresult5 sr31 on sr31.tocid = t.tocid and sr31.rsid = :rsid64 left join searchresult5 sr32 on sr32.tocid = t.tocid and sr32.rsid = :rsid66 left join searchresult5 sr33 on sr33.tocid = t.tocid and sr33.rsid = :rsid68 left join searchresult5 sr34 on sr34.tocid = t.tocid and sr34.rsid = :rsid70 left join searchresult5 sr35 on sr35.tocid = t.tocid and sr35.rsid = :rsid72 left join searchresult5 sr36 on sr36.tocid = t.tocid and sr36.rsid = :rsid74 left join searchresult5 sr37 on sr37.tocid = t.tocid and sr37.rsid = :rsid76 left join searchresult5 sr38 on sr38.tocid = t.tocid and sr38.rsid = :rsid78 left join searchresult5 sr39 on sr39.tocid = t.tocid and sr39.rsid = :rsid80 left join searchresult5 sr40 on sr40.tocid = t.tocid and sr40.rsid = :rsid82 left join searchresult5 sr41 on sr41.tocid = t.tocid and sr41.rsid = :rsid84 left join searchresult5 sr42 on sr42.tocid = t.tocid and sr42.rsid = :rsid86 left join searchresult5 sr43 on sr43.tocid = t.tocid and sr43.rsid = :rsid88 left join searchresult5 sr44 on sr44.tocid = t.tocid and sr44.rsid = :rsid90 left join searchresult5 sr45 on sr45.tocid = t.tocid and sr45.rsid = :rsid92 left join searchresult5 sr46 on sr46.tocid = t.tocid and sr46.rsid = :rsid94 left join searchresult5 sr47 on sr47.tocid = t.tocid and sr47.rsid = :rsid96 left join searchresult5 sr48 on sr48.tocid = t.tocid and sr48.rsid = :rsid98 left join searchresult5 sr49 on sr49.tocid = t.tocid and sr49.rsid = :rsid100 left join searchresult5 sr50 on sr50.tocid = t.tocid and sr50.rsid = :rsid102 left join searchresult5 sr51 on sr51.tocid = t.tocid and sr51.rsid = :rsid104 left join searchresult5 sr52 on sr52.tocid = t.tocid and sr52.rsid = :rsid106 left join searchresult5 sr53 on sr53.tocid = t.tocid and sr53.rsid = :rsid108 left join searchresult5 sr54 on sr54.tocid = t.tocid and sr54.rsid = :rsid110 left join searchresult5 sr55 on sr55.tocid = t.tocid and sr55.rsid = :rsid112 left join searchresult5 sr56 on sr56.tocid = t.tocid and sr56.rsid = :rsid114 left join searchresult5 sr57 on sr57.tocid = t.tocid and sr57.rsid = :rsid116 left join searchresult5 sr58 on sr58.tocid = t.tocid and sr58.rsid = :rsid118 left join searchresult5 sr59 on sr59.tocid = t.tocid and sr59.rsid = :rsid120 left join searchresult5 sr60 on sr60.tocid = t.tocid and sr60.rsid = :rsid122 where t.tocid <> 2 and ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((sr0.tocid is not null)) or ((sr1.tocid is not null))) or ((sr2.tocid is not null))) or ((sr3.tocid is not null))) or ((sr4.tocid is not null))) or ((sr5.tocid is not null))) or ((sr6.tocid is not null))) or ((sr7.tocid is not null))) or ((sr8.tocid is not null))) or ((sr9.tocid is not null))) or ((sr10.tocid is not null))) or ((sr11.tocid is not null))) or ((sr12.tocid is not null))) or ((sr13.tocid is not null))) or ((sr14.tocid is not null))) or ((sr15.tocid is not null))) or ((sr16.tocid is not null))) or ((sr17.tocid is not null))) or ((sr18.tocid is not null))) or ((sr19.tocid is not null))) or ((sr20.tocid is not null))) or ((sr21.tocid is not null))) or ((sr22.tocid is not null))) or ((sr23.tocid is not null))) or ((sr24.tocid is not null))) or ((sr25.tocid is not null))) or ((sr26.tocid is not null))) or ((sr27.tocid is not null))) or ((sr28.tocid is not null))) or ((sr29.tocid is not null))) or ((sr30.tocid is not null))) or ((sr31.tocid is not null))) or ((sr32.tocid is not null))) or ((sr33.tocid is not null))) or ((sr34.tocid is not null))) or ((sr35.tocid is not null))) or ((sr36.tocid is not null))) or ((sr37.tocid is not null))) or ((sr38.tocid is not null))) or ((sr39.tocid is not null))) or ((sr40.tocid is not null))) or ((sr41.tocid is not null))) or ((sr42.tocid is not null))) or ((sr43.tocid is not null))) or ((sr44.tocid is not null))) or ((sr45.tocid is not null))) or ((sr46.tocid is not null))) or ((sr47.tocid is not null))) or ((sr48.tocid is not null))) or ((sr49.tocid is not null))) or ((sr50.tocid is not null))) or ((sr51.tocid is not null))) or ((sr52.tocid is not null))) or ((sr53.tocid is not null))) or ((sr54.tocid is not null))) or ((sr55.tocid is not null))) or ((sr56.tocid is not null))) or ((sr57.tocid is not null))) or ((sr58.tocid is not null))) or ((sr59.tocid is not null))) or ((sr60.tocid is not null))) and (t.toc_flags & 2048) = 0'; SQL variable: ''; SQL State: HY008. Error2 : Database statement execution error encountered. Session ID: 179; Dialog ID: 56367; Repository: 'DublinLF'; CLI routine: SysSearchOpenListing; Message: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server. Connection may have been terminated by the server.; SQL Statement: 'insert into #tmplisting (tocid, row_num) select toc.tocid as id, row_number() over (order by case when toc.etype>=0 or (toc.etype=-1 and exists (select * from toc l where l.tocid=toc.linkto and l.etype >= 0)) then 1 else 0 end desc, from toc join searchresult11 sr on toc.tocid = sr.tocid and (toc.toc_flags & 2048) = 0 and toc.tocid<>2 left outer join toc as linktoc with (nolock) on case when toc.etype = -1 then toc.linkto else toc.tocid end = linktoc.tocid where sr.rsid=:rsid and ((toc.etype=-2 or toc.etype>=0) or (toc.etype = -1 and (linktoc.etype=-2 or linktoc.etype>=0))) and ((toc.toc_flags & 1048576) = 0 or toc.tocid = 1 or not exists (select * from entry_tag et join tag t on et.tag_id = t.tag_id where t.is_secure = 1 and et.tocid <> 1 and et.tocid = toc.tocid and (toc.etype <> -1 or et.tocid = toc.linkto) and not exists (select * from sess_tag li where li.tag_id = et.tag_id and li.sess_id = :sessid1)))'; SQL variable: ''; SQL State: HY000. Error 3 : Database statement execution error encountered. Session ID: ; Dialog ID: 110849; Repository: 'FOT-CT'; CLI routine: SearchExecuteThread; Message: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Operation canceled; SQL Statement: 'insert into #search_entry_cache2 (tocid, parentid, linkto) select distinct t.tocid, t.parentid, t.linkto from toc t left join searchresult11 sr0 on sr0.tocid = t.tocid and sr0.rsid = :rsid1 where t.tocid <> 2 and ((sr0.tocid is not null) or ((exists (select * from propval pv2, propdef pd2 where exists(select * from propacl where propacl.prop_id = pv2.prop_id and propacl.sid in (select sid from sess_sid where sess_id = :rsid2 ) and ace_type = 0 and mask & 1 = 1) and not exists(select * from propacl where propacl.prop_id = pv2.prop_id and propacl.sid in (select sid from sess_sid where sess_id = :rsid3 ) and ace_type = 1 and mask & 1 = 1)and ((exists(select * from psetacl where psetacl.pset_id = t.pset_id and psetacl.sid in (select sid from sess_sid where sess_id = :rsid4 ) and ace_type = 0 and mask & 1 = 1) and not exists(select * from psetacl where psetacl.pset_id = t.pset_id and psetacl.sid in (select sid from sess_sid where sess_id = :rsid5 ) and ace_type = 1 and mask & 1 = 1)) or t.pset_id is null or t.pset_id not in (select pset_id from pset_props where prop_id = pv2.prop_id)) and pd2.prop_id = pv2.prop_id and t.tocid = pv2.tocid and ((((((replace(rtrim(replace(replace(rtrim(replace(pv2.num_val,'0',' ')),' ','0'),'.',' ')),' ','.') like :numstr6 ))) and pd2.prop_type in ('N','I','H')) or ((pv2.str_val like :str7 ) and pd2.prop_type in ('S','L')))))))) and (t.toc_flags & 2048) = 0'; SQL variable: ''; SQL State: HY008.