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laserfiche cloud login prompt

asked on February 25, 2016 Show version history

Does anyone know of a way to suppress the "Are you using Laserfiche Cloud?  Login Here" prompt at the bottom of the start page of LF thick client 10?  I have a customer that wishes to remove it, if possible.

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replied on February 25, 2016

There's a registry key for it. Currently it's only in HKey_Current_User, but once SP1 releases it will be available in HKey_Local_Machine so you can turn it off for all users.



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replied on May 24, 2016

I have Laserfiche 10.1. I could not find this key in HKey_Current_User so I created a new key as above and now the cloud message is gone from the Client login.

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replied on May 24, 2016

Yes, the key is not there by default, you need to create it as you did. You can do it in both HKCU and HKLM at the same location within either. 

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replied on June 6, 2019

I have installed 10.4.

Could you please give me the latest key details? I am assuming it is now for HKey_Local_Machine.

Am I able to add this to the Laserfiche Server, or does it have to be added to every Client workstation?

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replied on June 6, 2019

Hi Peter, it's the same as before. An HKLM key will apply to the whole machine, HKCU to that specific user. 

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replied on June 6, 2019

Thanks Justin.

Can you please confirm this.

And does it apply to the Laserfiche Server or to all user workstations?



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replied on June 6, 2019

It is a workstation-specific setting, although you can push it out as needed through windows domain tools. Note that it may need to be set in the WOW6432Node location of HKLM for 32-bit redirecting. That would be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Laserfiche\etc... 

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replied on June 26, 2019

Hi Miruna

We are using 10.4.1

I have set the "HKEY_Local_Machine" key on the workstation as above but it had no effect.

I have set the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" key on the workstation and the message is now gone.

Please confirm the change to "HKEY_Local_Machine" key that you have mentioned above.


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replied on June 26, 2019

See Pava's note above. The Client is a 32-bit application so the key needs to be under Wow6432



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replied on March 1, 2016

Is this going to be a install flag we can set? This has already generated calls to our support center, and if it could be set with a flag on install (i.e. something like -NoCloudLogin) this would be helpful to nip that in the bud. 

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replied on May 6, 2016

Hi Chris,

Sorry, missed the new question. There isn't a flag in the installation for this, although that's an interesting idea. This key is also read from HKLM (same location otherwise) as of 10.1, so it's pretty straightforward to push that out prior to the installation so users will never see this in the first place. Of course, you can also push it out afterwards. (among other sites) has some information on this, it's a pretty straightforward process. 

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replied on May 24, 2016

Would like to request that the default be to disable this prompt rather than have it enabled, especially since Cloud customers are more likely to use Web Access out the gate. Could even make it a checkbox at installation.

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replied on May 24, 2016 Show version history

Hi Gareth,

I don't think the default is likely to change, but I can look into providing a installtime parameter that sets the registry key like Chris suggests above. 

One question - a form of direct Cloud login is in a number of other desktop Client applications. Snapshot, Office Plugin, and Import Agent, for example. Have you experenced concerns with those as well? They are much more subtle (a second tab vs. a link across the main page). 

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replied on May 24, 2016

I have not, likely because as you say the main login screen for the Client is much more prominent and frequent for people to see than those plugins.

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