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Workflow Update Word Document - How to use "simple field merge"

asked on December 29, 2015


I'm busy figuring out how to use the new Update Word Activity. I'm a bit lost with how to draw the fields in the Word document so that WF will recognize it.

I have tried the following two options. I have created a simple field by using << >> as a tag. I have also tried using the Developer option in word to create a Rich Text box called "NameSurname".


However, when I click on the option "Import field names from document..." then I point to the Word file and it does nothing.



The online help file only explains how to enter a field name manually, it doesn't explain what the best practice is for the creation of the fields within Word.


Anyone have some guidance for me?







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replied on December 29, 2015

Hello Sheldon, 


This is the way to insert Merge Fields in Word 2013, other versions should be similar.

Merge Fields can be put into the Word document by going to the Insert tab and clicking on Quick Parts and selecting Field as shown below

Once in Field dialog, search for a Field Name called "MergeField". These are the standard fields that the Update Word Document activity will look for in a simple field merge.

Hope that helps!

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replied on December 29, 2015 Show version history

Sorry, the <<>> tags are not simple angle brackets. They're the indicators for mail merge fields that Word generates. 

You want to look up the Mail Merge functionality in Word to generate the fields (you don't have to have data in the Excel/Access file you're going to link the fields with, but the column names need to exist).

Another way to do it is to mark the fields by hand with {{ }} braces. When you click "Import field names from document" in Workflow, you'll get a message about not detecting standard merge fields and will be asked if you want to load non-standard ones. When clicking Yes, WF will detect the fields marked in braces.

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replied on November 29, 2017


I've used merge fields to replace some fields in a document.

But, the out put contains the brackets « ». Is there a way to remove these brackets from the output please? e.g. «LONDON»


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replied on November 29, 2017

You said "replace" try with a clean document

Open a blank word doc.

Menu: Choose Insert - Choose Field - Choose MergeField - Type in Name of Field eg. City.  No <<  >> will appear in final merged document. You will see these in the template before merge they are place markers.

Press Ok

Merge field inserted in page.  Save Document

Give it a try or supply further examples of your output.


Good Luck

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replied on November 29, 2017

Hi, I found the solution. Its good now :)

Thanks for support.

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