Hi..In Laserfiche Client,when i upload a document the name of the document renamed as the name of the metadata field i have chosen,so when i upload the same document for second time, with the metadata field already given,the name should be same as which i uploaded already,so here i am getting the document as a different entry?Is it possible to replace the old document with the new entry if the document name is unique?
This is fixed in the latest service pack for Laserfiche 9.2.1. Please see KB 1013659
The import process now correctly respects the name conflict options when the Autoname option has a Default Document Name with a token and the Importing files option is enabled.(129003)
In the LF Client, you want to go to Tools - Options
Then in the left pane, go to New Documents - Name Conflicts
Then set to either create a new version or overwrite on name conflicts.
I set overwrite existing document option,but still the document uploading as a new entry.I will share the screenshot of the client page,
The name conflict settings aren't being followed when you are autonaming your documents with tokens. We've filed a software change request for this issue.
So how to avoid the duplication of document in client?Is it possible to keep version control on the auto created folder,so that the document will be a single with different versions?
Suggest me any other solution to avoid the duplication of the document?
If you turn version control on for the parent folder, any new folders created will inherit this setting.
One suggestion to prevent duplication. You could create a workflow which will search to see if the folder contains a document with the same name (without the (2)). If it does, you can merge the documents together.
I have used few activities in workflow designer,Is there any activity present which will search the folder contains a document with the same name?
Can you show me the sample workflow to achieve this?
Here is an idea of what you should build to get this working:
- Use Pattern Matching to get the entry name without (2)
- Use Search Repository to search for document of the value pulled out from pattern matching within the right folder
- If result is found, use Move Pages to move into the result that was found.
Workflow help files are very useful source if you are need some help configuring these activities.
Thanks for your response Cathy...Let me try it out
I tried with the workflow you have given,it avoids the duplication of entry in the path,but my scenario is somewhat different that when i upload the document to the certain path which i have given,it creates the auto folder inside the main folder and finally it renames the entry with some token values,so in this case after renaming the document i do the pattern matching and searching if any entry found with the same document name,but it doesn't worked for me.I upload the screenshot of my workflow here.
Hi,I think the issue is that once i upload the document,it routes to the folder which is created automatically,so the entry path and routed path here is different,so when i upload the same document it check with the entry path to get the result,but the document was placed in routed path,so search repository will not give the proper result.hope you understand my scenario.
Based on your workflow, try using the Route Entry to Folder 3's routed entry path token instead of the entry path token:
I already tried this by using RoutedEntry_Path,but search repository doesn't shows any matching result,in messages it shows the result as 'no entry was found' and so duplication occurs.
Anything wrong with the above workflow ?if its not possible to find the entry with the same name for the auto renaming documents,guide me to do version control of the document to prevent the duplication of entry,i also enabled the version control of the parent folder,but still the document is newly created with name as 'documentname(2)'.
It's hard to tell without looking at the configuration of this workflow. Use the Track Token activity to see what tokens are created and whether they are what you expected it to be.
If you are still having trouble, Presales host consultation forum webinars (CFW) where we can take a look at your workflow. You can sign up via the VAR Portal under the Training section.
Hi Cathy
The issue found that pattern matching was empty while tracking the token.now its working fine..Thanks