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Feature Request: Ability to Assign Tags to a Form

asked on October 7, 2014

As we add more and more forms to LF Forms, it would be nice as an admin to tag a form, much like tagging a post in Answers and then allow licensed users to be able to select a tag. Right now we adding something like Accounting or HR at the beginning of each form, but from an end user perspective, that doesn't make sense to them. It would be nice to tag a form with terms they understand.

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replied on April 15, 2016

This enhancement request would be really helpful.  I'm commenting in hopes of getting it back on the radar.  I have the latest version of Forms 10 installed and it still hasn't been addressed.  We really need a mechanism for filing/sorting/filtering process that is more powerful than what is currently offered.

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replied on October 12, 2014

The Start page really needs an update to sort the processes out in folders or sections with the ability to set the access rights to this folder as whole. 

I hope this feature would be added soon.

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replied on August 23, 2022

Wanted to check in and see if this feature was still being considered?

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replied on August 23, 2022

This is the most-requested item from our end-users. We'd love any way to categorize our published processes.

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replied on October 7, 2014

This would be nice to have as part of a way to organize data/form processes. In the start page for forms, having the ability to sort the available processes by these tags or categories would be nice. Maybe even define some behavior that certain tags make the processes only appear if viewing that tag specifically

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replied on June 14, 2018

Our org. could also use this enhancement. Or, any method of organizing the Start Process page of Forms without having to get creative with naming conventions would be great.

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replied on September 10, 2019


Do you know if finding a way to organise the business processes is a future consideration for LF team?

It would be very useful especially in the manage tab.


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replied on December 9, 2020

Just started using Forms for internal processing and am a bit disappointed about the end user landing page. As mentioned previously, a method of organizing process would be helpful. An ability to allow users to follow their submissions (monitor page for their processes only) would also be valuable in my opinion. Right now we have to answer at what stage is my submission manually OR insert a let of e-mail notifications back to the submitter for status updates.

Also, being able to remove the design and manage buttons on the landing page would be nice. Anything to limit options and confusion to the end users is a bonus in my opinion.

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replied on October 10, 2023

Checking up to see if this is on the roadmap?

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