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Difference between OCR software in use by DCC Worker vs LF Client

asked on July 24, 2014

 What is the product the Laserfiche Client Uses versus the product that DCC uses to OCR a document?


I have found that documents that DCC is unable to OCR can be OCR'd using the LF Client installed directly from the DCC Worker server.

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replied on July 24, 2014

They use the same components to do cleanup and OCR, so if the settings are the same, the behavior should be the same.

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replied on July 24, 2014

Are you sure the settings were exactly the same? LF 9.1.1 and DCC use the same OCR engine.

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replied on July 24, 2014

The cleanup options were likely different, DCC does line removal, etc. Is the OCR engine responsible for cleanup or just the OCR after cleanup?

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replied on July 24, 2014

They use the same components to do cleanup and OCR, so if the settings are the same, the behavior should be the same.

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