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Feature Request - Audit Trail 11 Scheduled Reports

asked on June 24, 2021

Hi All,


Now that AT11 no longer uses SQL, any of the standard SSRS reporting can no longer be used to directly query AT data.


Similar to the custom reporting in forms, can I please raise a feature request to have this same functionality added to Audit Trail?


Currently there is no way to schedule reporting for Audit Trail 11, with the removal of a SQL database.



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replied on June 24, 2021

Hi Chris,

If you have customers with a current requirement for scheduled reports via SSRS, I would honestly recommend continuing to deploy Audit Trail 10.4 w/ SQL, which is perfectly compatible with Laserfiche Server 11.

We can add this feature request to the backlog but I wouldn't expect it soon.

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replied on June 28, 2021

Thanks Samuel, for now yes, that's exactly what we'll do.

LF10 goes end of life in 2027, so got a little time yet. wink


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