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For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later.

asked on January 31, 2020

I have a few users who are not able to view PDFs in the web client. Instead they get the attached message. They are on the latest version of Adobe Reader DC. The documents are usually uploaded by someone with the Pro version. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you fix it?


Laserfiche Web Client: 10.4 (

Laserfiche Repository Access:

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replied on January 31, 2020

This is the in-browser pdf viewer. It's 100% javascript and doesn't depend on any installed version of Reader or Acrobat. PDF portfolios have very limited support outside of Adobe's tools, you'll need to download the file and open it with one of those applications locally.

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replied on May 7, 2021

This happens when an Adobe document has an Adobe signature added to it and the signature validity is unknown.  The LF browser viewer is limited to the basic functions of a pdf (hopefully it will be a readable function added in the future).  However, if the signature does not have to be "validated", you can get around this by "flattening" the native pdf (in Adobe) and then adding it to Laserfiche (or replacing the previous copy).  To flatten in Adobe, use "Preflight" and choose "Flatten Annotations and Form Fields", or simply "print" to PDF through the printer function in Adobe, then save it in Laserfiche.  


Again, hopefully the ability to view these types of documents will come in a future update of Laserfiche (if it is possible).  

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