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Cloud Limited Access Outside Work

asked on August 17, 2017

I have a customer who wants to limit or restrict access outside of work to the cloud.  How would this be done?


Thanks for your help!

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replied on August 17, 2017

There isn't any direct support for this currently, but you might be able to leverage the ADFS integration to do what you want.  If the ADFS server is installed on the company's intranet then authentication is not possible from outside the network.  You could also look at other ways of restricting access to the ADFS server, such as requiring a client certificate, if you wanted some additional flexibility.

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replied on August 17, 2017 Show version history

Hello Corey, a feature to actually restrict access from users has not yet been implemented, though I have filed ticket 39621 on your behalf for this to be considered in future. (The particular ID may be subject to change as we're transitioning ticket tracking systems.) In the meantime, note that timestamped accesses to the repository can be audited using Audit Trail.

Edit: The above interpreted "outside of work" to mean based on time, not location. Is that what you meant?


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replied on June 6, 2022

Any updates or changes to this?  I have a customer that would like to make sure some users can't access anything outside of normal work hours.  This feature would be very nice.

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replied on August 17, 2017

Thanks James!  To clarify, if a company does not want an hourly employee accessing work related information when they are off the clock. It would be nice if LF cloud could be configured to disallow access to it when they are not in the physical office.


thank you for submitting a ticket.


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