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Moving LFAudit to a new server

asked on August 16, 2017

My database administrator wants to move LFAudit to a new sql server.  Since the connection string will change, should we configure a new instance (thinking the database will rebuild itself) or can we just move it and change the server name in Audit Trail Configuration?  Am I oversimplifying it? What are the considerations/options?

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replied on August 16, 2017

Either way would work. You can detach and reattach the SQL database to the new server, then update the connection info in Audit Trail. Or you can just update Audit Trail to point to a new database on the new server and let it reimport.

The only difference would be whether you can spare the time to wait for the logs to be imported again. If you're not keeping a lot of info ready for reporting or your repository doesn't get a lot of traffic, then that might be negligible.

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