Hi everyone,
Please help me to find out how I can configure Forms as below ?
I have several documents for new hire onboarding, I always get the same file name, W4, Offer Letter, Job Description, Direct Deposit. etc.
Access Card
Anti Harassment Policy
Data Verification
Direct Deposit
Disability Accommodation Policy
EEO Policy
EEOC designation
Fitness Center
Policy Acknowledgement
Technology Acknowledgement
Offer Letter
Job Description
So, I created a Forms page, so users can just upload multiple documents at once along with Last name and First name as below.
I figured out to import to Laserfiche repository but
I couldn't figure out how I can get this working to have files named in repository in this format.
Lastname, Firstname - HR Type of Document
All I can get is "Lastname, Firstname - " without HR type of Document as its own file name.
Below is my process diagram.
Below is a screen shot from Laserfiche Client once uploaded by Forms but missing Document Type. Is there a way to put document type pulled from uploaded file name?
For example, "Offer Letter.pdf", put Offer Letter as document type?
So File name format in Laserfiche will be "Brown, John - Offer Letter" ?
Thank you much!