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Forms - how do I configure to rename the file uploaded by its own file name?

asked on June 29, 2017 Show version history

Hi everyone, 

Please help me to find out how I can configure Forms as below ? 


I have several documents for new hire onboarding, I always get the same file name, W4, Offer Letter, Job Description, Direct Deposit. etc. 

Access Card
Anti Harassment Policy
Data Verification
Direct Deposit
Disability Accommodation Policy
EEO Policy
EEOC designation
Fitness Center
Policy Acknowledgement
Technology Acknowledgement
Offer Letter
Job Description


So, I created a Forms page, so users can just upload multiple documents at once along with Last name and First name as below. 


I figured out to import to Laserfiche repository but

I couldn't figure out how I can get this working to have files named in repository in this format. 


Lastname, Firstname - HR Type of Document


All I can get is "Lastname, Firstname - "   without HR type of Document as its own file name. 


Below is my process diagram. 



Below is a screen shot from Laserfiche Client once uploaded by Forms but missing Document Type. Is there a way to put document type pulled from uploaded file name?

For example, "Offer Letter.pdf", put Offer Letter as document type?


So File name format in Laserfiche will be "Brown, John - Offer Letter" ?


Thank  you much!





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replied on June 29, 2017

Your best bet is probably going to be dropping the attachment in the repository with the name it was given and then using Workflow to parse out the 'Type of HR Document' value using Pattern Matching.

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replied on June 29, 2017

Thank you Blake, 

So I added Pattern Matching to grab the Type of HR Document, and under added to Routing Activity Options to apply the field to metadata but still Type of HR Document is not grabbing from File name? 


Any idea ? Big Thank you in advance!

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replied on June 29, 2017

Your other post asked for a pattern for stripping the extension from the document name. You're using that pattern here on a value that does not match: there's no extension and the name is more than just the document type. So you need to adjust the pattern. Something like ^.+\s?-\s?(.+)$ might work ("everything from the dash to the end of the name").

Side question: how are you ensuring that the documents submitted through Forms are properly named in the first place? What if the user names it "offerLetter"?

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replied on June 29, 2017

Thanks for reply. Yes its always Offer Letter as we receive that from Docusign. But back to your question, how do I use input from file name into type of document in Pattern Matching? For example, "Brown, John - Offer Letter.pdf" imported to Laserfiche. How do I use Pattern Matching to use input from the name and enter into field in metadata?


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