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capture both drop-down choices and values

asked on May 26, 2017

Is it possible to capture both the display "Choices" and the assigned "Values" information of a drop-down into template fields?

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replied on May 26, 2017

This is not supported, the value saved for each submission for the variables will only be the "values" if the dropdown has enabled assign values.

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replied on July 31, 2018

Any chance this has been saved? I have a drop down that has a dollar value assigned to it for cost purposes, but I'd like to log the name in the drop down as a variable instead of the cost.

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replied on July 31, 2018

The labels are stored alongside the choices in the Forms database. I'd like to note here that any modification of Forms databases is strongly discouraged and not supported.

But in case you are curious, there is a choices column in the cf_fields table, and you can write a query where the type column equals select, the form_id equals your form ID (the number in the address bar when you are in the Layout tab), and the field_id is the field number (visible in the CSS tab). You can extract the labels with an expression like: \{"(?<Label>.*?)":"(?:.*?)"\} and the value with an expression like: \{"(?:.*?)":"(?<Value>.*?)"\} and Workflow can then Set Business Process Variables as needed to store the information into a variable.

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