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Posted to Empower Conference


Empower 2017 - Tips, Tricks, and Survival Guide

posted on January 4, 2017 Show version history

This seems to come up a lot, and we always have some great advice user-to-user.

So, Empower Veterans, what advice would you give about attending Empower?


This year will be #6 for me, and I know some of you have been to many more, so... what can you share?

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replied on January 31, 2017

There's a session this year, offered in two slots, on Getting the Most Out of the Conference - I would recommend it for all newcomers and maybe even old-timers. I found even veteran I learned helpful things during our session practices.

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replied on January 13, 2017

Great discussion


  • Bring your ideas for workflow, forms, processes, integrations.  Lots of great resources from VAR, Customers and Laserfiche, all in one place
  • If you have had some niggling questions, issues or questions - ask them at the conference


  • Bring a sweater.  The conference rooms can sometimes be cooler than you expect
  • Meet people and network.  Plan to have lunch with a different table of people every day
  • Have fun!  
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replied on January 10, 2017

In years past I have brought my own computer, had all sorts of items I "thought" I would need. I wound up carry a heavy backpack, or my rolling computer bag, for a week and not hardly using anything. Last year I brought my tablet, and a pen. I used the notebook they give us. 

So my suggestion is travel light, you really do not need much more than your brain. 

OH, and come with your current processes in mind, you will get ideas to make them better. 

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replied on January 10, 2017

I just remembered another one!

You may want to bring a sweater or jacket.  Sometimes the rooms are a bit chilly.

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replied on January 9, 2017


I  am so thrilled going back to Long Beach and attending Empower 17.  I have gone the last two years to Empower and my best advice is to relax and have some fun. Best source of information are the other users attending the conference so don't be shy. Yes...strike up conversations with complete strangers.

Also choose wisely which classes you attend and have back ups on your list. I would choose 2 or 3 classes for each time slot that way if the first class is beyond what you need to know I would sit in the back of the class to slip out and try the next class on your list. Sometimes the class was full and many times there were openings. It was better than sitting 40 minutes in a class that doesn't apply or is over your head.

For first time attendees go early and find where all your classes are especially if you load up your schedule. Tuesday is a good day to wander around and get your feel where all the class rooms are. By Wednesday the  conference will be packed and much more activity taking place. 

Also spend your off hours getting outside and visiting local attractions. Favorites last year were the Aquarium of the Pacific and Harbor Breeze whale watching cruise (you can get discount if you book the cruise directly through the aquarium). Also we went to Hermosa Beach to watch the surfers and Santa Monica Pier one morning. Enjoy Southern California while you are there! The first year we went to Empower we went to Disneyland. Reduced priced tickets are available to Empower attendees. We had a lot of fun but word of advice get the park hopper ticket to be able to go to both parks. We liked Disney Grand Adventure better than Disneyland but it was fun seeing both. 

That's all I have for today. See you all in February.

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replied on January 4, 2017

There will be a map of the convention center in the program, make sure you know where it is and take a few minutes before the conference starts to familiarize yourself with where the different rooms are.  You may want to stay late in one class to ask questions, and you'll be more comfortable if you already have an idea of how far it is to your next class.

Many people come with a written list of questions that they are looking to answer before the end of the conference.  Writing them out ahead of time is a good idea so that you don't forget them during the bustle of the conference, and because it gives you the opportunity to gather your thoughts ahead of time.

Visit us in the Info Center!  Tell us about how you are using the software and what else you need it to do.

It's a big conference and your first time can be a little overwhelming.  Especially if you are new to Laserfiche it can seem like there's so much you don't know.  Don't be afraid to ask questions, whether they are technical ones about the products or bigger picture ones about potential solutions.  I guarantee you'll get a friendly answer.

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replied on January 4, 2017
  • Comfy shoes wink The Convention Center is big!
  • Stop by the Info Center and chat with the Laserfiche Developers. We'd love to hear your stories and feature requests.
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replied on January 4, 2017

A few of mine, off the top of my head:


  • Prepare and rest up.  This is absolutely a working conference.  The days are full, long, and awesome.  My brain is always full by the end of each day.  Rest up before you get there.
  • Network.  Be prepared to meet people.  One of our biggest assets as users are other users! There are always many opportunities to meet other people who do the same things you do. Be sure to bring tons of business cards.  
  • Schedule your courses!  Hopefully you have already scheduled, as I'm sure some courses are filled.  Don't worry - LF always adds more, though you may need to shift things around.  
  • Show up anyway! - If you have a course you really want, sign up for the wait list.  If that is full and you really need that course, show up to the door and see if they have cancellations.
  • Labs - for labs, Download the VM and get it working before you arrive.  (I'm assuming it will be offered this year)  There are usually lots of spaces in labs for people who bring their own computers.
  • Have Fun!  Lots of opportunities to have fun.  Take advantage! :)


So, veterans, what advice would you give?

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