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Log in failed because the number of sessions has reached the licensed limit, or the user account has reached its session limit, or no named user license has been allocated to the user account.

asked on December 11, 2016 Show version history

Hi All, 


Just wanted a quick confirmation, I am trying to log in with a user that has read only access for WebLink, but receiving the following message: 

'Log in failed because the number of sessions has reached the licensed limit, or the user account has reached its session limit, or no named user license has been allocated to the user account.'


We are using Laserfiche RIO with WebLink. The user is being created using a script via workflow with read only access. No License has been given to the user as i thought it was not required as seen below:




Any feedback or assistance would be greatly appreciated. 


Thank you


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replied on December 12, 2016

Unless the Laserfiche Server is licensed for public portal, the user needs a named retrieval license to log in through WebLink.

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replied on December 13, 2016

Thank you Miruna, that is what i was missing. 

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