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How To Create a Circular Graphic Percent Complete Indicator

asked on December 10, 2016 Show version history

I'm so thrilled that I got this to work, I wanted to share with everyone here on

The following code will allow you to add a progress indicator to your forms.  This indicator allows the display to transition between two images, in pie chart style, moving circularly around the image.

This can be used to display the % completed status of a task, or as a countdown time or other similar functionality.

I'm also attaching the four images used in my example.  You can store the images on your form server at: C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Forms\Forms\img and then easily access them via URL.

blank.png (1.89 KB)
timer.png (80.25 KB)
9 0


replied on December 10, 2016

Here's all the code needed to generate the indicators as I have in the screenshot.

First is the code for the custom HTML element on your form - in my screenshot, this is the HTML for the first indicator (the green checkbox).  The CSS Class for this element is named progressIndicator1.

For the second custom HTML element, the CSS Class is progressIndicator2 and I made changes to the HTML code to change image URLs and made slight changed to the header_text and footer_text.

<!-- multiple copies of "Custom HTML" fields can be used with this HTML code, just ensure they each have a different CSS Class value in order to refer to them separately in your Javascript. -->

<!-- This div is used for the header text - change its width by setting the max-width value in the div tag (match to the image width) and change the text size by changing the header tag, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, etc. -->

<div style="max-width:100px;">
<h4 class="header_text" style="text-align:center;">Project Progress</h4>

<!-- These divs, which include the container class, the back class, and the front class are for holding the progress indicator image.  The back classes' image is the image being changed from and the front classes' image is the image being changed to.  Select different images by entering different URLs in the src component of the img elements.  Change the image sized by changing the width and height components of the img elements.  Suggestions include using a "blank" (completely transparent) image for the back class, or using the same image that is in the front class, but with washed out colors. -->

<div class="container_class">
   <div class="back">
      <img src="http://formsserver/forms/img/incomplete-checkbox.png" style="width:100px; height:100px;position:absolute;">
   <div class="front">
      <img src="http://formsserver/forms/img/complete-checkbox.png" style="width:100px; height:100px;">

<!-- This div is used for the footer text - change its width by setting the max-width value in the div tag (match to the image width) and change the text size by changing the tag, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, etc.  The text withing the tagname element with percentValue class will be auto-updated by the code to match the numerical percent completed. -->

<div style="max-width:100px;">
<h6 class="footer_text" style="text-align:center;"><tagname class="percentValue">0</tagname>% Complete</h6>


Here's the CSS code:

/*List the CSS Classes of All of the "Progress Indicator" Custom HTML elements here, each
one separated by a comma.  Also set the max-width to 20 pixels more than the image width.
Setting the display value to inline-block allows them to be shown side-by-side.  Setting 
the max-width value keeps it from using up the entire width of the window.*/
.progressIndicator1, .progressIndicator2 {
  max-width: 120px;
  display: inline-block; 


and here's the Javascript:

//This code was written by Matthew Tingey, American United Federal Credit Union,
//December 10, 2016.  Please feel free to use and modify as you see fit.
//I cannot be held responsible for any impact to your forms or system by your use of this code.
//The comments are intentionally excessive, for the benefit of less experienced individuals.

//this function is automatically called as soon as the form window finished loading.
$(document).ready(function () {
  //This loop will repeatedly call the drawStatus function to update the two progress,
  //indicators - for demonstation purposes.
  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { 
    //setting the function call into a variable makes it easier to call with the setTimeout function.
    //the two parameters included inthe drawStatus call are the name of the CSS Class of the
    //selected progress indicator (without the . prefix) and the perrcent completed (0-100)
    //that you'd like to have displayed.
    //In this example, progressIndicator1 start at 0% and is increased by 2% every second.
    //In this example, progressIndicator2 is decreased by 1% every second.
    var function1 = 'drawStatus("progressIndicator1", ' + i*2 + ')';
    var function2 = 'drawStatus("progressIndicator2", ' + (100-i) + ')';
    setTimeout(Function(function1), i*1000); 
    setTimeout(Function(function2), i*1000); 
  }  // end of for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
});  // end of $(document).ready(function ()

function drawStatus(className, percentComplete){  
  //this function is called to update the percentage complete of a progress indicator 
  //custom HTML element.
  //round off to 1 decimal place.
  percentComplete = percentComplete.toFixed(1);  
  //percentages below 0 are displayed as 0 and above 100 are displayed as 100.
  //note that percentages between 0 and 100 will have 1 decimal place, but 0 and 100
  //will be displayed without a decimal.
  if (percentComplete <= 0) {
    percentComplete = 0;
  else if (percentComplete >= 100) {
    percentComplete = 100;
  //update the pecent complete value in the footer text of the progress indicator
  $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > div > .footer_text > .percentValue').text(percentComplete);
  //calculate the x and y coordinates of the circle eminating out from the center of the image.
  //step 1-convert percent complete (0-100) to an angle (0-360).
  //step 2-determine the x and y coordinates around the edge of the cirlce.  This includes:
  //       removing 90 degrees from the angle (cause it to start at top instead of right.
  //       converting the angle in degrees to angle in radian
  //       determining the cosine (x coordinate) and sine (y coordinate) of the circle edge.
  //       the radius of the circle is used as 100% of the image width/height - despite the
  //          fact that the image center is at 50%, 50% - this is so that the point on the
  //          circle edge will extend beyond the borders of the image square, instead of
  //          touching the edges 15 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, and falling short otherwise.
  //       finally, we add 50 to each value, to get the circle midpoint at 50%, 50% instead of
  //       at 0%, 0%.
  //step 3-we round off the coordinate values to 1 decimal place, for cleanliness.
  var angleComplete = percentComplete * 3.6;
  var coordinateX = 50 + (100 * Math.cos((angleComplete - 90) / 180 * Math.PI));
  var coordinateY = 50 + (100 * Math.sin((angleComplete - 90) / 180 * Math.PI));
  coordinateX = coordinateX.toFixed(1);
  coordinateY = coordinateY.toFixed(1);
  //these if...if else... statements will create the clipping path to display the percent complete
  //only the part of the "front" image that is inside the path will be displayed.
  //the clip-path polygon code can include up to seven end-points.  They always have at least
  //three, the image center, the image top-center (0% point) and the calculated point for the percent 
  //complete angle, moving around the image.  As each corner of the image is passed by, another
  //point is dropped and left in that corner.
  //each section of the if...if else... statement has two clip-path values, one for clip-path
  //and the other for -webkit-clip-path.  The two commands are to try to make it compatible 
  //with more browsers and in most cases are just redundant
  if (percentComplete <= 12.5) { //top-center to top-right corner (0-45 degrees or 0%-12.5%)
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('-webkit-clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
  else if (percentComplete <= 37.5) { //top-right corner to bottom-right corner (46-135 degrees or 12.6%-37.5%)
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('-webkit-clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
  else if (percentComplete <= 62.5) { //bottom-right corner to bottom-left corner (136-225 degrees or 37.6%-62.5%) 
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('-webkit-clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
  else if (percentComplete <= 87.5) { //bottom-left corner to top-left corner (226-315 degrees or 62.6%-87.5%) 
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('-webkit-clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
  else if (percentComplete <= 100) { //top-left corner to top-center (316-360 degrees or 87.6%-100.0%) 
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('-webkit-clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%, 0% 0%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
    $('.' + className + ' > .cf-custom > .container_class > .front').css('clip-path', 'polygon(50% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%, 0% 0%, ' + coordinateX + '% ' + coordinateY + '%)');
  } // end of if (percentComplete <= 12.5) ... else if ... statements
} // end of function drawStatus(className, percentComplete)


12 0
replied on December 21, 2016

This is realy cool. I am sure this will benefit alot of developers wanting to personalise their forms.

1 0
replied on December 21, 2016

I'm really glad you like it @████████


0 0
replied on January 30, 2017

Hello Matthew,

I am new to javascript and I would like to display pie chart in my forms as per the screenshots.

1- Screenshots: collecting score as per the service

2-Screenshots: need to display pie chart as per Service



Best Regards,

Mazahir Naya

0 0


replied on December 13, 2016

Very cool! Thanks for sharing. May give it a try.

1 0
replied on December 13, 2016

I'm glad you like it @████████ - please consider up-voting (thumbs up) the post if you like it.  Preferably up-voting the original post, but the answer reply works too.  Thanks!


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